16354 records found
Probably a late letter in Judaeo-Arabic, in a striking purple ink.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Written in purple ink. Dating: Probably 19th century. Joins: Oded Zinger.
On recto two drafts of a letter reporting about Yiṣḥaq Perdonel, likely a recommendation. Late. In Hebrew. On verso accounts in Judaeo-Arabic (possibly with some words in Ladino). See T-S AS 153.138 and T-S 13J24.22 for other documents related to the Perdonel family.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Small fragment of a letter in Ladino.
Small note with few Arabic words. Underneath a short booklist in Hebrew
Very late Judeao Arabic private letter addressed to Ibrahim
Account, probably list of debtors. Late
List of names and a book list. The actual context is not clear but can be related to inheritance.
Minute fragment probably from a letter
Small fragment from a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Late? "We stayed for 11 days...." Addressed to [...] b. [Morenu] ve-Rabbenu Asaf ha-Kohen (ZL).
Unidentified text in Arabic script. Damaged and faded. Likely something religious or literary, but might be a letter. Needs examination.
Much damaged fragment of a legal deed
Business letter, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Sent from Jerusalem (min al-quds, l. 2). Extremely faded. Dating: Probably 11th century. Mentions [...] b. Benaya. On verso the name ʿUmar b. Yūsuf is written in Arabic script; this is part of the address but is not necessarily the name of the sender - might be one of the mail carriers. AA. ASE.
A letter from Yehuda Tirani to Shimshon b. Shemuel, 17th century. The writer is in a harsh financial situation and has difficulties to pay his debt to Othman, and has been arrested. He is asking the addressee to approach to the minister in order to assist him. (data from FGP by Abraham David)
Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, among other things. Involving cotton.
A damaged letter from a merchant. 16th century. A sale of wheat and cheese is mentioned, and few names such as PYMH פיימה, David Shamno, Elya the minister and Rabbi Shelomo. (Data from FGP by Abrahan David)
Letter in Ladino with part of a responsum on verso.