16354 records found
Late list of names
Unidentified late list
Responsum of R. Shalom Halahmi, p. 3 (Date: 1801-1858). Join with T-S NS 210.20, T-S NS 288.171. Published Glick, Sridei Teshuvot.
Late letter, much faded
Late account
Fragment from the ketubah of Aziza d. Faraj, signed by Efraim b. Zadoq and Yoswf b. Ya'aqov. AA
Small and much damaged fragment, probably from the dowry list section of a ketubah, written by Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi. AA
Fragment from a ketubah, containing the dowry section, written by Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi. AA
Business letter from [...] b. Yeḥezqel. Fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions indigo (nīl) and bamboo chalk (ṭabāshīr) and a merchant named Yiṣḥaq.
Small note informing the price of a mattress and a slave girl worth 18 dinars.
List of items?
List of Biblical sections (Parasha)
Small fragment from a letter. Only few words preserved.
Much damaged fragment from the end of a private late letter.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions the arrival of a letter and the sender's stress (ולולא אני אנצגטת...). Essentially nothing else is preserved.
Letter from Abū l-Faraj b. Ma[ṣliaḥ?]. Addressed to Fustat (אלא מצר חמאה תע). None of the content is preserved.
A Maimonides autograph of his commentary on the Mishna (Kelim 8:9). (Information in part from FGP.)
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Very faded. The hand may be known. Dating: 11th or 12th century.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand may be known. Dating: 11th or 12th century. Mentions goods such as pepper, cinnnamon, brazilwood, and myrobalan.
Postcard in Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. The printed template is headed "Union Postale Universelle Egypte Carte Postale اتحاد الپوسته العام مصر تذکره پوسته." Dating: probably late 19th or early 20th century. Mentions someone surnamed Ashkenazi. Needs further examination for content.