16354 records found
Document in Ladino, probably a family letter. Needs further examination.
Late account
Minute fragment from a end of a letter
List of names and numbers, probably an account. Late
Late account- names and amount of oil supplied
Fragment from a late private letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions a woman who is in great distress.
Very faded unidentified document. The hand is clearly by Judah Hakohen b. Tuviahu, who was the muqaddam of Bilbays (Date: 1172-1218)
List of debtors
List of names and amount, a contribution for the poor or list of debts
Unidentified, the text is rubbed and only few words can be read. It opens with a date, but the year is unclear. At the bottom seems to be referring to a deceased person whose name is unclear.
Two fragments from a list containing names follows by number, probably contribution to the poor.
See PGP 22673
Late calendrical calculations
Verso: Maimonides autograph. A list of contributors, probably related to collecting money for ransoming captives. Mentions names such as Barakāt b. Ṭayyib, Baqāʾ al-ʿAssār(?), Abū l-Munā al-Mustaʿmal, Makārim the partner of Baqāʾ, Abū l-Faḍl al-Mustaʿmal, Abū Manṣūr b. Nuṣayr, Abū Sahl b. Ayyūb, al-Ḥemdat, Sālim al-Bayyāʿ, Hiba al-Ṣabbāgh and his children. The list is written on the verso of a petition in Arabic script (see separate record) written by a woman who is asking for financial assistance, probably addressed to Maimonides. As he often did, Maimonides cut the letter for small strip and used the verso to write this list. The fragment was discovered by Amir Ashur, who is preparing it for publication. AA
Recto: Petition from a woman. In Arabic script. She is "cut-off" (munqaṭiʿa) and poor (ṣuʿlūka). Not much else is preserved. On verso there is a contributors list in the hand of Maimonides (see separate record).
List of names with Coptic numerals.
List of Biblical sections