16354 records found
List of contributors. Dating: 1221 CE, based on verso
Legal note in Judaeo-Arabic about the collection of payments. Dated: Dhū l-Ḥijja 617 AH, which is January/February 1221 CE
Document in Arabic script. Maybe a draft of a legal document -- it looks like there are several dates mentioned.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Terrible handwriting.
Formularies for curses.
Very damaged and faded letter, seems to be dealing with personal issues. The writer is approving receiving a letter informing him of the demise of a person whose name is not readable. He also mentions the gentiles, but the text is too fragmentary to put it in context. AA
A list of names and expenses (cloths, food). On the verso also list of income
A note, or a draft, regarding releasing of debts
Letter written by Yefet b. Menashshe, mostly dealing with general issues. A trip to Sicily is mentioned.
Minute fragment. Few names are visible, probably list of contributors or debtors.
List of ten requirements for a sacrifice, written by Berakhot b. Shemuel (Date: end of 12th-begining of 13th century)
Two lines from an opening of a letter from Abu al-Barakat b. al-Rayyis, probably Shelomo b. Elya. AA
See join
Almost complete but faded and damaged business letter. The writer informs that he bought something from al-Dibaji. A funduq is repeatedly mentioned. AA
Probably a copy of a letter to leaders of a community, from Avraham Maimuni or one of his contemporaries. The scribe is known from two other copies of such letter, ENA 3200.3, ENA 2875.40. AA
A letter to Berakhot b. Aharon in a childish hand.
A court record. An agreement between few partner written by Yehuda Hakohen b. Tuvyahu who served as the muqaddam of Bilbays (ca. 1170-1218). The partners are Mansur b. Abu Tahir, Ibrahim b. Hasan, Aharon, Futuh, [...] b. Yosef, [...] b. Ya'aqub. AA
Fragment of a private letter
Minute fragment of a letter.
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (Date: 1100–38). Probably a bill of gift, involving a woman named Ḥusn and her sister and a property in Qaṣr al-Rūm.