16354 records found
Rabbinica, (Responsa); discussion of various topics relevant to BT Bava Batra, ch. 9; with extensive Judaeo-Arabic marginalia, citing Hai Gaon. On the page remnants of an Arabic official document- need examination (Info from FGP. Join by AA)
Documentary; document issued in court for Halfon b. Yeshu'ah, who wanted to reverse his purchase of half a house from his brother El'azar for the amount of 10 dinars. He is doing this because is brother is traveling to al-Sham (Palestine or Damascus). Dated 1st Elul 1409 Era of documents (1098). Written by Avraham b. Nathan who signed it together with Ishaq b. Shemuel (the Spaniard), Nissim b. Nahray, Avraham b. Shema'aya ha-Haver. AA
Bill of sale for a female slave. Location: Fustat. Dated: 1461 Seleucid, which is 1149/50 CE, under the authority of the Nagid Shemuel b. Ḥananya. The parties: the banker [...] b. Natan ha-Kohen; the judge Zakkay b. Moshe. The price: 13 dinars. The slave is known as both Bidʿa and Ghazāl. The first two lines of a separate legal document have been glued to the top of the fragment to create more space for the piyyuṭ on verso. (Information in part from Goitein's index card.)
Recto: probably a begging letter, but the text is very damaged. On verso Hebrew piyyut and Arabic account - needs examination
New Shelfmark: T-S NS 329.823
Extremely faded Arabic document - needs examination. On recto Hebrew poem
Page from R. Hai Gaon Book of Legal Deeds
Recto: Narrative in a mixture of Arabic script and Hebrew script. Unclear how literary it is. FGP says that it is a Karaite work that quotes Binyamin al-Nahawandi. The Hebrew-script portion complains about a Christian named Marcus who has destroyed the land and is in cahoots with Saʿāda the secretary (kātib) in the dīwān. Resembles ENA 1822A.16. Needs further examination. Verso: Probably an alms list.
letter, most probably addressed to Jewish communities in Egypt. (Info from FGP)
Too little remains for identification (possibly a document referring to rental). (Info from FGP)
Damaged Hebrew poetic letter
Small fragment, probably from a letter in Hebrew mentions Barukh b. R. Ishaq (Info from FGP)
See PGP 25314
Long and damaged letter addressed to Nehorai b. Nissim. The sender's name is faded. The letter opens with large section of Hebrew blessings accompanied by Biblical verses. (Info from FGP and AA)
Probably a letter asking for assistance. The writer arrived from a land far away (גית מן בלאד אן בעיד) and he is lonely (אשב בדד). Sayyidna and al-Sheikh al-Rasuy are mentioned. The hand is familiar from the circle of Maimonides and his son. AA
Formulas for letters
A letter, probably a draft, to a notable named Binyamin, and regards are sent to his sons Ya'aqov, and Yeshu'a probably residents of Jerusalem. Also mentioned. Shemuel ha-Maskil, Menshshe and Shemarya. The writer regret his separation from them and is asking them not to forget him. AA
Letter segment, probably to Nahray b. Nissim.
biblical verses and a few words of other text, followed by an elegy for the Nasi David b. Yehezkiya b. David. Yehezkiya nominated exilarch around 1021, See Franklin, This Noble House, p. 16. David, his son was a poet, middle of the eleventh century. See Franklin, p. 195, no. 27; 197, no. 43. A line of an official document in Arabic (needs examonation); On verso responsum concerning the possibility of reciting havdalah over bread
Monograph; from Saadia's formulary of legal documents. (info from FGP)