16354 records found
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Small fragment.
Letter from the congregation of Malta. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Perhaps 15th or 16th century, based on the hand. Fragmentary (only the right side is preserved). It is difficult to discern any of the subject matter. The form נחון is used for نحن. T-S NS 31.16 was identified by Ben Outhwaite and Amir Ashur. Join: Alan Elbaum.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Draft, opening only. Expresses longing for the addressee, doubt whether the sender's previous letters reached the addressee ('before my departure from Fustat'). Mentions Rabbenu Shabbetay.
Popular literature in Judaeo-Arabic. A tale of a king. The handwriting may be known.
Poetry, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. There is also alphabet practice and numbers in western Arabic numerals (so the date is relatively late).
Letter addressed to Moshe Levi b. Zakkār. (Same addressee as in T-S NS 31.16.) In Hebrew. Dating: Late, perhaps 15th–17th century. Mentions Messina in recto, l. 2. Large and relatively well-preserved. Merits further examination.
Accounts in Ladino. On a bifolium, arranged in columns. Needs further examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter, probably. Late. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions "his small baby girl." Needs examination.
Draft of a legal record from the court of the Nagid. Location: Cairo. Concerning the dissolution of a partnership in Damietta, between Saʿīd and Khalaf. Dating: late 15th century or early 16th century. (Information from Avraham David via FGP.)
Pen trials. In Hebrew script. Probably late. Mentions names such as Manṣūr, Ibrāhīm, Ibn Fakhr, Fakhr b. Bū Saʿīd.
A few lines of Greek/Coptic numerals in the margins of a rabbinic/Talmudic text.
Informal note. In Judaeo-Arabic. Perhaps addressed to a Moshe (l. 2). Concerning small business transactions.
Legal document. In Hebrew. Dated: Sivan 5343 AM, which is 1583 CE. Signed by Eliyya b. Yeshuʿa. Reused for accounts in Judaeo-Arabic on both recto and verso.
Notes for a legal query or responsum. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 12th or 13th century. Regarding Reuven who willed a house to his grandson. After 23 years, the other heirs challenged his title to the property. On verso there is also a line of accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals, mentioning ink (ḥibr), baṭāʾiq(?), ṭaḥīna, and either a pigeon (ḥamām) or a bath (ḥammām).
Vocabulary list referring to Mishnah Shabbat 1-6 (approx.) (Information from Niessen/Shivtiel.)
Informal note in Judaeo-Arabic. May be late. Concerning a business transaction.
Accounts in Arabic script (one side) and Judaeo-Arabic (other side). Mentions various dates and periods of time. Also mentions the name ʿImrān.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th or 12th century. The hand may be known.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Late. Dated: Looks like 5354 AM, which would be 1593/94 CE. Currencies mentioned include sharīfī.