16354 records found
Letter addressed to Moshe Levi b. Zakkār. (Same addressee as in T-S NS 31.2.) In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, perhaps 15th–17th century.
Legal fragment. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Concerns someone ha-Zaqen ha-Levi titled Rosh ha-Qahal and someone's mother and sister.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Mentions the cost of traveling from Fustat/Cairo to Alexandria.
Scorpion amulet. Cf. JRL SERIES B 5682, ENA NS 73.12, and T-S AS 143.2
Literary text or philosophical jottings in Hebrew. Late.
Astrological predictions regarding the occurrence of diseases and shortage of food. In Judaeo-Arabic. (Information from CUDL.)
Biblical exegesis. (See Shivtiel/Niessen and FGP.)
Alchemical text.
Letter from the office of the Nagid Yehoshuaʿ Maimonides (d. 1355) in which the cantor Faraj Allāh is ordered to arrange a collection for a traveler. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 494)
Petition of a widow whose only remaining son had been killed by the Ghuzz (Seljuks), while her four other grown-up sons had died as well, and herself being unable to work. She appeals to the Jewish community for appropriate clothing for the holidays. The letter is written calligraphically by Hillel b. Eli (1066-1108). (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 501; III, pp. 238-239)
Legal fragment. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Involving conflict (shurūr wa-taʿab), two women who have been killed, a settlement of the conflict, and someone named Abū Saʿīd. This is a duplicate copy of T-S 8.111 (PGPID 3652).
Draft of a letter from Ḥalfon b. Netanel ha-Levi, perhaps in Damascus, to R. Ḥiyya. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Ca. 1145–46 CE. India Book 4 (Hebrew description below; full English to come)
Letter of condolence to Nissim
specimens of כתובה דמירכסא and שטר מסירה, followed by the heading שרח הלכות מן יבמות. The hand might be of Halfon Hakohen b. Elazar, who was a dayyan in Abraham Maimuni's court (Info from FGP and AA)
Documentary; account of a dispute arising from a partnership during the years 1463-64 Sel. (1152-53), between Hasdai Hakohen b. Yefet (as guardian for his nephew) Yefet b. Berakhot and Shelomo b. 'Ullah known as Ibn Kajruni and part of a legal decision on this case (Info from FGP)
Colophon: 'Written by Hannanya b. Mevorakh in honor of David, the president of the exiles of Israel son of Hizqiyahu Head of the exiles of Israel ... And it was bought by Ishaq b. Sa'adya'. AA
Very faded letter on recto. On verso literary material,
Documentary; an appeal for assistance in time of persecution (info from FGP)
Family/business letter from Shelomo, unknown location, to his 'father,' in al-Maḥalla. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mostly dealing with textiles. The person who was supposed to deliver the two furs said that he forgot them in Sammanūd. The sender also reports that every Saturday he goes to Abū Naṣr b. Abū l-Munā to study the Talmud with him, currently tractate ʿAvoda Zara. AA
Minute fragment, few words in Arabic and Hebrew - needs examination.