16354 records found
Bill of Testimony? - needs examination. (Info from FGP)
Account - needs examination.
State document? - needs examination.
Recto: Instruction for payment. In Arabic script. Abū Saʿd is to pay the bearer the rent/wage for the previous month (Jumādā II), including an ounce of myrobalan, possibly for medicinal purposes. Verso: unidentified Arabic text, very fragmentary. (CUDL)
List of commodities - needs examination. (info from FGP)
Fragment of a letter - needs examination.
Letter - needs examination.
Tax reciept? - needs examination.
Few lines from a letter - needs examination.
Minute fragment - needs examination.
Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. Difficult hand. Portions of 5 lines are preserved. "...wa-yasʾal al-inʿām ʿalayhi wa-l-iḥsān ilayhi..."
Faded list - needs examination.
Part of a document, addressed to a Fatimid caliph or vizier - needs examination. (Info from FGP)
Part of a document/letter - needs examination.
A letter in Arabic. On verso a list in Arabic and few verses from the Book of Esther in Hebrew - needs examination.
Literary narrative in Arabic script. 1001 nights? Mentions a baker and a salesman, then the narrator stumbles on a hidden treasure with a magical sapphire, then winds up at the king's palace.
Small fragment from an Arabic document - needs examination.
Commonplace book in Arabic script. In a childlike hand with numerous misspellings. There are several pages of poetry and several more pages of drafts or copies of deferential letters to dignitaries (transcribed below). One addresses a vizier (al-Afḍalī al-Juyūshī); one conveys blessings for the caliph al-Āmir bi-Aḥkām Allāh (r. 1101–30); and some are directed at amirs, one of whom is titled Nāhiḍ al-Dawla.
Small fragment from an Arabic list - needs examination.
Fragment of a letter - needs examination.