7476 records found
Letter in Hebrew. Late. Very faded. Dealing with business matters. Currency: gurush.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Listing names and sums.
Letter concerning legal matters. In Judaeo-Arabic. Large but very faded.
List of expenses - perhaps for building?
List of names and sums - many women, perhaps list of distribution.
Account - mentioning rent for different houses.
Blessings in large, thick, square letters to X b. Shekhanya.
Legal record (one large piece and 5 smaller pieces) mentioning the wali and signed by Ya'aqov b. Natan.
Original use: Decree? Two faded lines in a chancery hand containing a ṣalwala (wa-l-ṣalā ʿalā al-sayyīd Muḥammad al-muṣṭafa wa-ālihi al-ṭāhirīn) which suggests that it is from the end of the document.
Secondary use: Court record in Judaeo-Arabic. An inventory of something (a trousseau? a dead person's estate?). Many valuable goods are listed along with their values, including wristbands (dastaynaq) and lapis lazuli (lāzaward). They were given to Moshe b. Aharon ha-Kohen to be sold. A judge's name is listed at the bottom. Unclear if the Hebrew script in between the lines of Arabic script on verso is part of the same document or a different one.
Account in a late hand.
Legal document. Partnership agreement. Location: Bilbays. Dated: January 1209. This document is a partnership agreement in a perfume- and dye-manufacturing shop. The partners, Faḍā’il b. Abū al-Ḥasan and Manṣūr b. Abū Sa‘īd, contribute a total of 700 dirhams (200 and 500 dirhams respectively). The document doesn't use the formal terms shirka or mu‘āmala to describe their relationship, but the parties attest to "having partnered" in the shop. Both partners seem to work in the operation, profits and losses are generally to be split equally, and weekly maintenance is specified for each party. Manṣūr seems to be the senior partner; he brings more assets to the partnership, and the facility itself may belong to him, as he is allocated 4 dirhams of rent for the shop each month. However, income from the sale of scent sachets was allocated to Faḍā’il, who may have produced these alone without Manṣūr's assistance. Written and signed by Yehuda b. Tuvyahu he-Ḥaver ha-Kohen, Meshullam b. Mevorakh and Berakhot b. Elazar ha-Ḥazzan. (Information from Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture", 73-74) The verso is a bifolium of a bible.
Letter with wide spacing.
Letter from Yiṣḥaq b. [...] to Ismaʿīl b. Barhūn. In Judaeo-Arabic. This is an 11th-century, Maghribī business letter. Uncited in the literature.
Note in Judaeo-Arabic explaining the vocalization of the shewaʾ in Hebrew grammar.
List of parshiyot with haftarot.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Faded and damaged.
Probably a partnership agreement. Entirely in Hebrew. Phrases: ולסחור בממו[נו]... בדרך כל הסוחרים הכשרים...
Mostly pen trials, but there are also a few undeciphered lines in Ladino and some names. Needs examination.