7476 records found
Small fragment of accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals, reused for a couple verses of Judaeo-Arabic love poetry.
Letter - probably from the final blessings - playing around with the word shalom.
List with names and sums.
Recto: Letter draft probably from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu to his paternal aunt Umm Dā'ūd. In Judaeo-Arabic. Congratulating her on the successful delivery of her daughter Sitt al-Yumn (presumably the same whom Shelomo wooed in T-S 13J18.22). The letter seems to have been abandoned after this line. In the upper margin, the writer practices the phrase "al-mamlūk Barakāt yuqabbil al-arḍ" in Arabic script. Verso: List in Arabic script with names and sums. ASE.
Magical fragment in Hebrew and Aramaic calling down eternal fire.*
Document in Arabic script. Possibly a letter, or possibly a magical text related to verso: wa-yaʿ[..] al-baḥr li-dhālika wa-hāja wa-lā yastaṭīʿ aḥad ʿalayhi. . . .
Letter fragment addressed to 'our brothers' Ibrāhīm and Isḥāq. In Judaeo-Arabic. This fragment contains only the formulaic opening.
Business letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. On verso there is a literary fragment. Two pieces of paper stuck together so the recto and verso are actually not part of the same sheet of paper.
Account or list in Arabic script.
Legal document written in careful square letters.
Fragment of a legal document in Judaeo-Arabic. Involves Moshe the cantor, Shelomo, a wālī, and "the father and his mother." The word קתל (kill/be killed) appears.
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. year 1131/2 (?). Very hard to read. On the back of some literary text
Possibly a letter. In Hebrew. Dating: Late, based on handwriting. Dealing with the relationship between a wife and her husband with some interesting expressions, and quoting rabbinic dicta on how they should behave toward each other.
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Reports on a legal dispute. Includes the phrase "he arrested me," followed by the sender asking the addressees to intervene.
List? Fragment containing items such as wheat and amounts - either a letter or a list
Power of attorney written by Hillel b. Eli. Names: Imran. Ḥalfon, Abu Ali
Account, late, fragment. The numbers given are probably sums or amounts rather than dates.
Piyyut. On the back are drafts of piyyutim and an Arabic script text. *
Legal document. Small fragment from a legal document, probably a bill of release. An amount of 9 dinars is mentioned. Location: Fustat. Signed by Maṣliaḥ b. Shemuel (also signed Bodl. MS heb. b 3/11, an 11th century ketubba) and Shelomo b. Seʿadya (also signed T-S 8J4.2b, from 1026 CE). This document might have been written by the same scribe, Yefet b. David the Cantor. See אלינער ברקת, פנקסים של בית דין הירושלמיים מן הגניזה במחצית הראשונה של המאה האחת-עשרה, HUCA, 69 [1998], p. 13–18 [Hebrew section]). AA
Legal document. Only portions of the last few lines are preserved. Location: Fustat. Signed: Yosef b. Menashshe. Apparently written by Avraham b. Nathan Av (compare with T-S 8J12.1, on which he signed). Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew. Aramaic. AA