7476 records found
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, probably late. Possibly a join: ENA NS 39.21 + ENA NS 42.28.
Fragment (lower left corner) of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Looks Yemeni and late. Mentions the Levantine sirwāls and sends greetings to an aunt (khāla). The paper has an unusual pattern of mold/stains, probably indicating that it came from a book binding.
Business letter, fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th or 12th century. The writer crossed out the first three lines (following the Arabic-script basmala) and began anew. This may be a draft. There are several lines of Arabic script on verso that do not appear to be an address. Perhaps an account?
End of a late letter in Hebrew from Avraham R[...], in which he describes how he successfully made a match for the daughter of [...] with Shemuel Brodoy (?), and the wedding took place on such-and-such date, and now the addressee is urged to pay promptly for the service.
Letter fragment. In Hebrew. Late.
Letter of appeal. The writer states, "The illness was enough for me, and then the capitation tax assailed me." The tone is aggrieved; he complains about Abū ʿImrān al-Kohen and mashāyikh al-balad who get together to drink in the evenings. The writer wishes to get through to "Rabbenu," but he has not been allowed access, and he is ashamed to appear before al-Shaykh al-Thiqa, the brother-in-law of Rabbenu, and Yūsuf b. al-Tilmīdh. Merits further examination.
Small fragment of a document in Hebrew, probably late, mentioning someone who betrothed a woman (erusin).
Letter, fragment (lower left corner), from Shalom b. Sīd. In Hebrew. Dating: First half of the 16th century. The writer reports on business progress to his employer or partner. He mentions Yaʿaqov Shānjī in line 6 and a Venetian ship in line 7. Information from Avraham David's edition on FGP.
Letter from Ḥayyim. In Hebrew. Dating: Late 16th or 17th century, based on Avraham David's assessment. The language is very flowery. The writer mentions Manzal = Manzala, a town on the lake of the same name near Damietta. Also mentions business in she-asses.
Legal testimony. In Hebrew. Dating: Late. Concerning a certain Shemuel; a female slave (? שפחה), a sum of seven bunduqis, and another sum in peraḥim
List of names and numbers. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Recto: Business letter. In Ladino. Currency: muayyadi/medin. Verso: Table filled in with numbers, presumably for lots.
List of names and numbers. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Tiny fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Legal records, perhaps. In Judaeo-Arabic. One record states that Ghāliya al-Ḍarīra (the blind) bt. B[...] releases someone. Another involves Nuṣayr b. Thābit and debts owed.
List, commercial. In Judaeo-Arabic. Sums given in dirhams. Very faded.
Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic literary work, possibly on predicting the future, mentioning various hours of the day, various outcomes, and perhaps the names of angels.
Recto: Letter from an unknown writer, in Jerusalem, to Moshe Zussman, in Cairo. In Hebrew. Dating: 1566 CE or not long after. The letter concerns the inheritance of Moshe's mother Rachel, who died in early 5327 AM (1566/67 CE). It seems the writer is responsible for disposing of Rachel's estate. He tells Moshe what he will send him to Egypt with two men, one of whom is Yehuda Masʿūd. He also reports on what he has spent in Jerusalem to repay the debts of Rachel. There are quite a few Yiddish letters from Rachel to her son Moshe preserved in the Geniza; see tag. Verso: Book list.
Fragment (middle vertical third) of a late letter in Hebrew, mentioning al-Khawāja ʿUthmān.
Mysterious fragment. It looks like the main text is the mirror imprint of another fragment. In the lower margin there is a note in Judaeo-Arabic. אמר מן אלאמור אלגאריה בין אלנאס מן אל....