7476 records found
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter/announcement addressed to the entire Jewish community of Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. Probably from the office of the Nagid. Bears an 'emet' motto at the top. Dating: Probably 13th or 14th century. The purpose of the letter is to announce that Mūsā the beadle of the Iraqi synagogue has been placed under a ban of excommunication. The reason is given in line 7 but is difficult to read. No one is to interact with him or eat the meat that he slaughters. Whoever disobeys will be punished.
Recto: Accounts, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Very cursive. Verso: List in Arabic script.
Mysterious fragment that might be a prayer for the cessation of the rains, or might be an extremely flattering introduction to a letter. Hebrew, late handwriting.
Business letter. Mainly in Hebrew, with scattered words in Judaeo-Arabic and perhaps other languages. Late. Dealing with flax, clove, frankincense, aloe vera, cassia fistula. Mentions interesting names like גורגי דגראדי and a certain Christopoulou.
Accounts in Hebrew. Late. Currency: gold peraḥim.
Accounts in Hebrew. Late. People include: Moshe Dammuhi and Moshe Abudarham. The currency cedid may appear.
Table of names and sums of money. In Hebrew script. Dating: Late, probably no earlier than 17th century. Surnames: Romano, Rosso, Ashkenazi, Rumi, Ḥazzan, many more.
Small fragment with various types of writing in Hebrew script. Possibly a monumental document like a marriage contract, with large text at the top followed by the body (but only a couple words remain of the body).
Accounts, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic business letter, mentioning Barhūn b. Ṣāliḥ. 11th century.
Fragment of a late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to a certain David M[...].
Small fragment with writing in Judaeo-Arabic. Possibly a letter. Mentioning various sums of money.
Fragment of a late partnership agreement.
A few words in enormous, calligraphic Arabic script. Reused for Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew literary text.
Letter from a woman complaining of abuse by her co-wife
Letter in which members of the Sholal family are mentioned
Small fragment in Ladino, probably from a letter.
Fragment of a late letter in Hebrew.
Eloquent late letter of appeal for charity with a Hebrew and Aramaic prologue and a Judaeo-Arabic body. The writer is Yiṣḥaq [. . .]