7476 records found
Table in Arabic script, likely business accounts. This is not a business letter, as it is listed on FGP.
Letter of appeal addressed to Rabbenu Yiṣḥaq. In Hebrew. The writer's place has been destroyed and some people have been sold by the shaliṭ/sulṭān (into slavery), and "the shoḥad (perhaps ransom here rather than bribe) that they took. . ."
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter from Yeshuʿa b. Yefet to two brothers, to the dukkān of Bāb al-Futūḥ, which means this was probably sent to Cairo rather than Fustat. In Hebrew (introduction) and Judaeo-Arabic (body) and Arabic script (address). One of the addressees is named Maḥāsin, and the address also contains the name الي אלכהן = Eli[yya?] al-Kohen. Only a couple lines of the body of the letter are preserved.
Recto: Ethical exhortations in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: Poetry or other literary text in Hebrew. Somebody has left a note identifying the scribe with Yehuda ha-Kohen b. Yehosef. Not a letter.
Exegetical text in Hebrew. Probably late. Not a letter.
Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th century. Mentions Mūsā b. Barhūn.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Legal document. Deed on mint partnership from 1563, in Cairo, between Yitsḥak d’Molina and Shlomo al-Faranji. Wednesday, Elul 1st. Published אברהם דוד, 'יהודים במנהלי בית המטבע במצרים במאה השש-עשרה', בין הסטוריה לספרות: ספר יובל ליצחק ברזילי, תשנ"ז, עמ' קו-קז. Hebrew. AA
Legal document. Will from 1527 drawn up by Shul (Sul, Shol), the wife of R. Shelomo ibn Sornaḥ סורנח. The wife disagrees to let her brother claim her estate from Shemuʾel Brodo, whom in his home she were living at the time she was writing the will (l. 3-4). She also declared that she has no other possessions whatsoever. Signed by Yeḥiel Mar Ḥayyim (data from FGP by Abraham David). Hebrew. AA
Legal deed. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: Beginning of Shevat 5306 AM, which is 1546 CE. Concerning financial arrangements between a wife (Siwār) and husband (Avraham al-Jazīra(?)). Witnesses: Elʿazar b. Avraham Mujamjim; Moshe Ashasho(?). There is an addendum scribed and signed by the same Elʿazar b. Avraham Mujamjim. Dated: beginning of Av 5308 AM, which is 1548 CE.
Form letter from the community of Hebron. In Hebrew. Dated: 5539 AM, which is 1778/79 CE. The name Refa'el Ḥannuka is filled in in big letters; he may be the addressee, and he may be located in Istanbul. The letter describes the machinations of the oppressors of the Jews and how they obtained a firman to impose a taqsīṭ(?). The community has sent Eliyyahu Lahka(?) as their shaliaḥ, and if he does not receive enough money to bring back, they will perish.
Bill of divorce (get). Location: Cairo. Dated: Shevat 18[..] Seleucid, which is 1489–1588 CE. Husband: Eliyya b. Shemuel.
Legal deed. In Hebrew. Dated: 28 Heshvan 5557 AM, which is 1796 CE. Testimony that Raḥamim Ashiyo (? אשיאו) received from Sara bt. Yiṣḥaq Re'uven an investment of 1000 reales, a value of 90 medins
Legal document. Record of court proceedings. Abū l-[...] al-Tājir sues his nephew Abū l-Futūḥ Wahb for the 20 dinars that he had deposited with him before departing for al-Shām.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. The writer complains about lack of news and mentions various modest sums in dirhams.
Letter of appeal for charity addressed to a Nagid. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions the person known as "the ḥedvat" (אלחדואת).
Business letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely late 12th or early 13th century. Mentions al-Rashīd b. al-Dayyān; "the medicines"; walnuts and raisins.
Letter from Safed to Egypt
Letter in Judaeo-Persian.