7476 records found
Memorial to Avraham ha-rav ha-movhaq
List of members of different households: al-Najib, al-kahhal, Shelomo. al-Rashid and several others. A large fragment.
Letter, once large and impressive - on its margins someone wrote down various liturgical texts.
Memorial list for several families of judges. mentioning some well known judges of the second half of the 12th century.
List of names.
Memorial list for the respectable family of nesi'im, geonim, head of yeshivas, judges and sages. mentioned are some well known figures.
Lists of names according to different households/families: The household/family of Umm Baqa, her husband, Bayt Abu Imran, Bayt Musa, Bayt Khalaf
Lists of names according to different households/families: The household/family of al-masmu', Umm Nasar b. al-Silsali? Baqa, Rsabi and so forth. On the back the list continues in another hand.
Lists of names according to different households/families. Many different names. A point of curisoity: at the end of the verso: "yeshu'a the young man who died with his father when the house collapsed on them.
List of names of very prominent people of the house of "the Meʿutad." On the back are lists of different houses—one name jumps out: "the house of Nānū," known from other documents from ca. the 1150s.
List of people of respectable families - The name Mevorakh b. Mordekhai is mentioned, as are the Banu Qarita (Qurayza?) family of kohanim.
Engagement contract, draft. The scribe repeated a number of lines of the document as well as the names of the bride and groom several times. Two different groom's names are mentioned, suggesting either that the document was intended for scribal practice, or that the scribe confused the Hebrew and Arabic names for the same individual.
Memorial list for the family of Yosef b. Perahya Yiju, Egypt, early thirteenth century.
Accounting of the qodesh, ca. 1240. A double leaf, torn into two parts, this document contains a main record of current revenues from rent, but some expenditures and other pecuniary operations are also listed. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 460 #138)
Letter addressed to the Nasi Shelomo b. Yishay-Jesse from the town of Bilbays containing local news and sending greetings to the Nagid David b. Avraham b. Moshe Maimonides and members of his family.
Memorial list for people from a prominent kohanim family. Shemuʾel/Yisrael ha-kohen starts the loist. Then his son Meshullam and then Netanel. The next entry is of much interest: Sa'adyahu who was martyred on God's Torah May God avenge his blood. next is Aharon ha-kohen who was snatched from this world in a youg age. Then Asrael ha-kohen whose house was open for the Torah and it continues... Piyyut on verso.
See ENA 2592.30
Memorial lists with many names.
Memorial list? the names of "the family of Israel's princes" mentioing Yishaq ha-sar ha-levi, Simha, Yishaq and (another?) Simha who passed away Halakhic work on verso
Memorial list for the family of our holy rabbi - names mentioned in the beginning are Avraham, Shelomo, his brother Yaaqov, Yoshiahu, hillel...