7476 records found
See PGP 11576
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, with the opening in Hebrew and the address in Arabic script ("to Fustat"). Dating: Maybe 12th century. Of the substance of the message that is preserved, the sender says that he prays for the addressee and wants the addressee to help somebody (maybe the bearer) with something.
Legal document or letter. Small fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions a sum of 7.5 dinars and someone sitting.
See PGP 11576
See PGP 11576
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
See PGP 11576
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Letter in Hebrew. Addressed to "my brother." Dating: Probably 15th–17th century. Discussing business matters. Needs further examination.
Epistle or literary text in Judaeo-Arabic. There are some narrative portions, but mainly it seems to be quoting and interpreting biblical verses. Needs examination.
Family letter, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Filled with expressions of affection and concern over sums of 2 dinars and 3 dinars. A Christian is mentioned.
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Fragment, 4 lines, very faded, only a few letters legible.
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined