Tag: slave

92 records found
Letter dealing with a relationship between a Jewish boy and a Christian female slave.
Yusuf b. Ali buys a Moroccan female slave from Shelomo b. Sameh for fourteen Egyptian dinars.
Legal document recording the sale of a Nubian female slave by Hiba Nataniel, under the authority of Moshe ha-Talmid; contains the idiomatic phrase אלכאמל אלשרוט: ‘the totality of the stipulations.’ (Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, “Legal Writing in Medieval Cairo,” in From a Sacred Source: Genizah Studies in Honour of Professor Stefan C. Reif,” ed. Ben Outhwaite and Siam Bhayro, Brill: 2010, 23) EMS
Sales contract of the Persian slave-girl called 'Perfume' for ten and a half dinars including brokerage and sales tax. Written in the hand of Mevorakh b. Natan (1150-1181).
Deed of sale for a female slave between Bu al-‘Izz b. al-Shaykh bu ‘Imran al-Sharabi and Bu al-Ḥasan, the teacher, executed in the presence of Bu al-Fadl al-Radwi. Dated Iyyar 127 of the Seleucid Era (= 1216 CE). A few lines of unrelated jotting are below. EMS
Court records in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, including three different transactions involving female slaves.
Testimony regarding a freed female slave who was betrothed to a kohen, Aleppo, 1191.
Bill of sale for a female slave, probably. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information in part from CUDL and from Craig Perry.)
Note by a man to his friend, saying that he is sending money with a female slave to him to pay two people as well as some broken dirhams from which he may put together two dirhams. Verso contains part of an unrelated account in Arabic. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Legal document mentioning that a man in Fustat is prepared to pay 1000 dirhams for two and one-half out of twenty-four shares of a well-known house in Alexandria. The fragment contains also instructions to a scribe. The transaction summarized is preceded by another one in which Abu al-Faraj b. Abu Mufaddal al-Marawihi buys a Nubian maidservant. Dated ca. 1250. (Information from Mediterranean Society, IV, p. 285)
Legal Document. Damaged legal document, probably a deed of release. A slave girl is mentioned. Names: Sālim b. al-Lakāf, Mufaḍḍal b. Būs[a'd]. A partnership with Khalaf b. bint […] is mentioned. Also mentioned a bill of debt on Abu al-Ḥasan. Judeo-Arabic. AA
Bill of sale for a female slave. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. No details preserved. (Information in part from CUDL)
Narrative in Judaeo-Arabic, including dialogue between a man and a woman concerning marriage. Also mentions a female slave. (Information in part from CUDL)
Small note informing the price of a mattress and a slave girl worth 18 dinars.
Fragments of responsum by a Gaon, dealing with children of female slaves.
Responsa in Avraham Ibn Yiju's hand: legitimacy of a manumitted female slave's marriage and status of her children, Yemen, ca. 1140.
Segment of a responsum regarding a child of a female slave.
Page from a collection of legal deeds. Contains bill of release from levirate marriage, and a bill of release of a slave
Trousseau list. In Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (bottom part only). Rudimentary hand. Entries include Dustarī/Tustarī fabric, other garments, and a female slave valued at 30 dinars. The early and delayed marriage payments (muqaddam wa-muʾakhkhar) amount to 150 dinars.
Responsum, probably from the eleventh century, regarding the marriage of Reuben with a female slave in India. See also PGPID 5544.