16354 records found
Document in Arabic script. Probably legal. Very faded. Needs further examination.
Recto: receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office of Accounts on behalf of the Office of Supervision: Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb has paid the sum of a third and a twelfth (dirhams?) for the estates in Al-Fayyūm, under the supervision of the judge Ṯiqat al-Mulk Makīn al-Dawla wa-Amīnuhā, of the protégé of the commander of the faithful Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Bahār, and the accountant Abū l-Sarī Theodor b. Yuḥannis. Dated: 7 Ṣafar 404 AH, which is August 1013 CE. Verso: Arabic accounts (incomplete). (Information from CUDL)
Business accounts
Jottings including business accounts
Recto: Hebrew jottings including Psalms 141:10 Verso: Possibly part of an Arabic document
Business accounts
Arabic document - needs examination.
Arabic document - needs examination.
Beginning of a document - needs examination.
Verso (original use): Bottom of a legal document dated 8 Dhū l-Ḥijja 5[4?]7 AH, which would be 1153 CE. One signature preserved. Recto: (secondary use): Promissory note or a similar genre, specifying the amount of money owed by Abū l-Najm Hilāl (alladhī ʿind al-shaykh Abū l-Najm Hilāl...). Needs further examination.
List of ingredients
Order to a lower official, specifying what is to be disbursed from the blessed grain storehouses (taʿrīf: mimmā yaḥtāj lak iṭlāquh min al-ahrāʾ al-mubār[aka... al-maʿmūra] bi-dāʾim ḥirāsatih...). Dated: Muḥarram 564 AH = October/November 1168 CE. Needs further examination.
Bottom of a petition or report. In Arabic script. "...ʿalā l-mamlūk... anhā dhālika wa-l-raʾy aʿlāhu(?)..." then a ḥamdala and ṣalwala at the bottom.
Business accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals. Late.
Fiscal account, probably. Very stylized, loopy letters. Might be dated 4[..] AH (second line).
First three lines of a legal document in Arabic script, likely a deed of acknowledgment (iqrār) for Maḥāsin b. Zayn b. Barakāt the Jewish banker.
Legal document in Arabic script. Fragment (lower left corner). Witness signatures partially preserved. Mentions a sum, "half of which is 1 1/4 dinars." Then the 15th of Shaʿbān.
Beginning of a letter in Arabic script. Only the opening blessings are preserved.
Accounts in Arabic script. On verso, in Hebrew script, the name Mūsā b. Ibrāhim al-Kohen.
Lists of People and numbers - an account of some sort