16354 records found
Minute fragment from an opening of a letter
Minute fragment from an opening of a court record
Minute fragment from an opening of a letter. Much faded
Unidentified minute fragment, probably from a letter or a legal deed.
Damaged list, probably contribution to the poor. Late.
Minute fragment from the end of a letter.
Much damaged and faded small fragment from a letter
Arabic document - needs further examination.
Enormous bill of release. Written and signed by Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Dated: last 10 days of the month of Shevat 1445 Seleucid, which is 1134 CE, under the jurisdiction of Masliah Gaon. A woman named Ḥisān bt. Yakhin/Thābit acknowledges receipt of something (probably a substantial sum of money) from Yehuda/Shibl b. Natan. There follow several dozen lines of elaborate release formulae. Also signed by Natan b. Shelomo ha-Kohen. AA
Very damaged. Unidentified
From an halakhic discussion? not enough text is preserved.
Minute fragment, very faded, from the top of a legal deed dated according to the Creation, but no date is preserved.
Fragment of a letter. Ben Maimun may he rest in peace is mentioned- might refer to Maimonides, but the context is unclear due to the fragmentary state of the letter.
Badly faded and damaged. Content unclear.
Badly damaged and faded fragment from a legal deed mentioning Sitt al-Dar
See T-S AS 205.53.
Badly faded and damaged minute fragment contains list of items such as cloves.
Fragment from an Arabic letter- needs examination.
Fragment from a letter, small, very damaged
Minute fragment from a letter.