16354 records found
Legal fragment in the hand of Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Damaged. Mentions Tamīm ha-Kohen and the sale of pepper. (See description for T-S Misc.28.79.7 + T-S Misc.28.79.11 for more on this Tamīm.)
Minute fragment from a list of contribution to the poor.
Small fragment from the bottom of a bill of release(?) for a widow. Her name may appear in l. 2. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi. Dated: 1445 Seleucid, which is 1133/34 CE. AA
Court record in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Fragment (vertical strip from the right side). Probably concerning payments to a divorcee made or owed by her ex-husband Abū ʿImrān ha-Kohen. There is also someone named [...] b. Menashshe. A few additional lines, also in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, are written in various directions on the same page. Most seem to be accounting for communal expenses (grave cleaning, ground rent (ḥikr), guards (ḥarāsa), and possibly references to properties belonging to the qodesh).
Small fragment from a list of commodities
Much damaged fragment from a list of names and items.
Minute fragment from a letter
See PGP 31260
Damaged account
Minute fragment from a list of commodities
A damaged fragment of a letter. Content unclear
Book list. Contains some unique entries such as כתאב פי אלחמש קראן פי רק מדהב = pentateuch (here קראן is מקרא) on a golden leaf. Also גזוין תורה בכט ערבי = Torah in an Arabic script.
Small note written on a piece of parchment, of a book copyist, describing a copy of Talmud Eruvin composed of 13 pamphlets , each composed of 8 leaves. Might be written by Yosef Rosh Haseder.
Book list.
Recto: Possibly a horoscope (or a birth record for a boy?). In Arabic script. Mentions "al-mawlid al-saʿīd," Alexandria, the year 552 AH (=1157/58 CE). In the margin, twice, "The name is ʿAlī b. Zīz." Verso: List of 13 Greek or Latin-sounding names (e.g., Gregorius, Adrianus). Or simply magical names? In Hebrew script.
A late engagement deed between Ishaq Halevi b. Ovadia and Simha d. Menahem Zarfati. The Marriage gift items are in Judeo Arabic while the deed itself in Hebrew. On verso two other legal deed not connected to recto.
Names of people and items- list of contribution to the poor?
Damaged account
A much damaged minute fragments from a letter in a cursive hand, probably Andalusian
See PGP 22856