16354 records found
Accounts in Arabic script and eastern Arabic numerals. Late.
Small strip from a letter.
A list of ingredients, such as lemon, probably for medical use.
Much damaged letter, the content is unclear. The writer inform that he went on Saturday to the majlis of the rayyis.
See PGP 22770
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. All four fragments likely belong to the same letter. T-S AS 207.180 + T-S AS 207.198 is almost a direct join, and T-S AS 207.179 + T-S AS 207.17 is definitely a direct join; the first pair does not seem to directly join with the second pair. In the first pair of fragments, after the standard opening greetings, the sender reports that (s)he ran into [Yaʿ?]qūb al-Kohen al-[...] al-Khawlī (=agricultural overseer) and asked after the addressees' news. Then (s)he met with Masʿūd the Parnas and asked after them. This is followed by a fragmentary reference to "the siege of the city" (al-ḥiṣār ʿalā l-balad); "you are in Fustat every day"; and instructions about sending letters. The second pair of fragments transitions into standard closing greetings, including from "my mother" to "her/your mother and her brothers and sisters." The sender has learned that the addressees are sick, probably an ocular complaint, because (s)he next mentions a sack (ṭillīs), 3/4 of a raṭl, and "within it is an ophthalmic" (ashyāf), and "there is benefit in it, for people were preoccupied with the diseases..." Joins by Amir Ashur. AA. ASE.
See PGP 22770
Fragment from a letter
Late Arabic account
Much damaged list, few line in Arabic
List of contribution for the poor. Few words in Arabic
Accounts in Ladino. Mentioning gold and silver and R. Shelomo. The text on the other side appears to be literary Hebrew.
List of names and numbers- money collected and owed. Probably written by Shelomo b. Elya
See PGP 22781
Modern account.
Late Hebrew letter of recommendation for a poor man.
Accounts in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic.
Small fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic by someone who calls himself "ha-ẓaʿir" and addresses al-Shaykh al-Rayyis. Perhaps by Shelomo b. Eliyyahu.
Possibly accounts for rent from the qodesh. Mentions names such as Abū l-Majd al-Parnas, the brother-in-law of Mūsā al-Ṭawwāf, al-Zaftāwī, Mufaḍḍal b. Sumaysima, Ibn Bū ʿImrān al-Sharābī, Bū ʿImrān b. al-Dajjānī (?), and Moshe al-Baghdādī. And "the order of Sayyidnā."