16354 records found
Letter(s) in Judaeo-Arabic. On recto, from Menashshe ben Naʿim to [...] ben Naʿim. Dated: (5400 +) 182 = 5582 AM, which is 1821/22 CE. Mostly about business affairs.
Minute fragment, only two names are visible: Abu Nasr and Abu al-Barakat. The context and the type of document are not clear.
A damaged account
Small and much damaged fragment from a letter, probably relating to business. A reference is made to the Sicilian.
Legal document. In Arabic script. A date is mentioned in ll.2–3, but it is difficult to read (maybe Muḥarram 511 AH). There are two witness signatures. It may be a debt contract involving a sum of 2.5 dinars (l. 3). Needs further examination.
Minute fragment from the bottom part of a legal deed from the year 1431 era of documents= 1130. Signed by Shemuel
A list of item, mostly textiles, might be from a dowry list, written by Halfon b. Manashese Halevi
Letter. Fragment (upper left corner of recto). Mostly in Arabic script, but with a few Hebrew words inserted, such as כתובה. The sender's name or title appears in the tarjama at upper left (al-ḥazzān? al-jazzār?). The addressee seems to be a ḥaver (مولاي الحابار السيد اطال الله بقاه). Mentions various sums of money ranging from large to extremely large (20 dinars for براني مطيبة(؟) in l. 5, and 200 dinars in l. 3, and 1,250(?) dinars in l. 6). Maybe this letter has to do with the dowry of a very wealthy bride. On verso there are jottings in large Arabic script (or possibly a fragment of an official document) and in Hebrew.
Letter or petition. In Arabic script. Fragment (lower part only). Probably a business letter (...al-taṣarruf fī l-mawḍiʿ...), but with quite a deferential tone (...fa-yatafaḍḍal ka-mā huwa ahluh fī dhālika...). Mentions a certain Abū Naṣr (l. 3).
Legal document(s) in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38). Fragment (thin vertical strip). Writing on both recto and verso. Location: Fustat. It is very difficult to extract any meaningful information. Mentions a Gaʾon and a declaration made by a woman.
Minute fragment from a legal deed mentioning [Mo/Mena]she Halevi the elder. Might connect with T-S AS 214.263. AA
Minute fragment from a legal deed mentioning Mahala. Might connect with T-S AS 214.254. AA
Minute fragment from the bottom of a legal deed written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi. AA
Fragment in Judaeo-Arabic regarding Al-Hazzan Levi b. [...?] and listing marriage-related terms such as al-muqaddam, al-mu'akhkhar, al-nedunya, and then probably listing items from a dowry on verso.
The address only of a late letter from Damietta to Fustat, addressed to Yehuda Gatenio.
Late fragment that says only "Ha-Ẓa'ir ha-Na'im Yosef Hazzan."
Minute fragment, only few words have preserved, probably business related
list of items belongs to Abu Ali: Oil, Saffron etc. AA
Late account
Minute fragment containing some commodities like pepper.