16354 records found
Arabic account - needs examination.
Accounts of expenditures ("kharaja...") in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Many names mentioned, including: Maḥāsin, Sulaymān, Ḥarīrī, Abū l-Munā, ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz, ʿUmar al-Musaqqī, Sālim, al-ṭaḥḥānīn (the millers), [...] b. al-Fākhūrī, al-sharābī al-Yahūdī. There are also a few lines of Hebrew pen trials (Genesis 1:1).
Arabic list - needs examination.
Arabic list - needs examination.
Letter - needs examination.
Business letter in Arabic script from Abū l-Ḥasan b. ʿAlī in Cairo to his father.
Business letter in Arabic and Hebrew script between brothers, anonymous; mentions Muslim business partners.
Arabic: price list; Judaeo-Arabic: account - needs examination.
Letter - needs examination.
Bottom part of a torn court record involving a widow, written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi dated Tishrei 1439 Era of documents= 1127
List of commodities and quantities in Arabic and Judeao Arabic - needs examination.
End of a legal document - needs examination.
Document of sale or lease - needs examination. (Info from FGP)
Document of acknowledgement (iqrar) - needs examination. (info from FGP)
Legal text (?) referring to al-Mansur `Imad al-Din and various sums; several Hebrew and Aramaic words are written between the Arabic text, including jottings - needs examination. (info from FGP)
legal text referring to 1 carat gold to be paid monthly (verso) - needs examination. (Info from FGP)
List of periods referring to the length of time (year, months) - needs examination. (Info from FGP)
Arabic letter - needs examination.
Recto: Bottom of a letter (official letter?) in Arabic script. Verso: Tax receipt issued by ʿArafāt(?) b. al-Naqīb the silk tax farmer (ḍāmin al-ḥarīr) to Abū l-Ḥasan the dyer (al-Ṣabbāgh) for a payment of 36 dirhams (for one year? li-shuhūr X).
Commercial book-keeping - needs examination. (info from FGP)