7476 records found
Letter from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu, apparently addressed to Makārim, who is probably the same as Abū l-Makārim b. al-Talmid Abū l-Riḍā. In Judaeo-Arabic. The letter opens "may God judge between Barakāt b. al-Dayyān [=me] and Makārim [=you]." He goes on to chastise Makārim for quarrelling with Shelomo's brother Abū Zikrī. Several more people are mentioned, including Shelomo's cousin (ibn khāla) Abū l-ʿIzz, Fayrūz, Ḥananel, and Surūr. ASE
Letter from Avraham b. Moshe b. Avraham b. Yosef b. Avraham to a dignitary called Avraham b. Abū l-Faḍl. In Judaeo-Arabic. The overall appearance and style is unusual, and it is unclear where it was sent from—evidently somewhere connected by caravan to Egypt. The sender is pained at the lack of letters "to our council" (li-majlisnā). The community is in distress over somebody named [...] b. Qalīl(?) known as Ibn Sīdū(?) and a sum of money. Also mentions a gift and business deals. The addressee should send his response with Ḥusayn or [...] with "this caravan when it returns." Greetings to "all of the scholars (al-ʿulamāʾ) and cantors and teachers, and the whole community. The fragment is very crumpled and more text will probably be legible if the creases are straightened out. On the back there looks like there are two legal entries with signatures, dealing with monetary matters. The first involves Abū ʿAlī b. Manṣūr Ibn ʿUwayja (בן עויגה) who had some dealing with the same Avraham b. Abū l-Faḍl the Aluf "mentioned inside of this letter." Signed by Shemuel b. Yeshuʿa and Yeshuʿa b. Abū [...] [known as] בן נאכויה. This is followed by another entry which is hard to read. Mentions 4 dinars and is signed by Moshe b. Abū l-Ḥasan, ʿIwaḍ b. ʿEli, and Yaʿaqov b. ʿEli.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic from a man to a business associate and/or family member. Mentions "your father" and "your paternal uncle Abū l-Faḍl." The overall tone of the letter is reflected in this passage: "When you were (or: will be) in the city, I did (or: will do) for you everything you wanted (or: want). Do not be rebellious more than what is needed, for I know you regret the whole story. You are like a perplexed person." The addressee had the idea of liquidating his shop, which the sender says is a ludicrous idea, his creditors would then demand twice what they are actually owed. Handwriting of the same scribe: ENA NS 39.22. The sender may be Abū l-Hajjāj b. Abū l-Faraj al-Ṭabīb (see ENA NS I.2 and T-S 10J13.10), and the addressee may be Abū l-Najm, the son of Manṣūr b. Sālim. The story, the points of contention, and even some of the exact phrases are nearly identical to those in Manṣūr's letters of exhortation.
Letter from Yeshuʿa b. Ismāʿīl al-Makhmūrī. Dating: May 12, 1052 CE. Business letter with many details about ships going west. The sender reports on the sinking of two ships, including that of the sultan al-Muʿizz b. Badīs. Al-Fāriqī is also mentioned. (Information from Gil and Goitein’s index card)
Letter sent to Abu al-Hasun Zedaqa b. Nissim from [...] b. Musa
Letter from Aharon ha-Levi, Yosef ha-Borsaqī ("the tanner") to Abu'l-Ma'ali, ca. 1120. A certificate regarding the Estate of the Jerusalemites. The bearer of the letter informs Abu'l-Ma'ali that he is entitled to a share in the revenues of the houses "of the Jerusalemites." Since the man is in great distress, an advance is requested. The writer asks that a note be delivered to Shelomo ha-Melammed, regarding the sum that Abu'l-Ma'ali considers proper. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 244 #44) | Court record, written by Hillel b. Eli, regarding a property in Qasr al-Sham'. One of the parties is a convert to Islam.
Letter from Khalaf b. Yiṣḥaq to Avraham b. Yiju. Salutation to Avraham b. Yiju and acknowledgment of receipt of his letter. After 1138, c. 1138-1150 (Goitein and Friedman estimation). VMR
Letter, probably 11th century. Few faded lines in Arabic on verso
Letter from Khalaf b. Yiṣḥaq to Avraham b. Yiju. Salutation to Avraham b. Yiju and acknowledgment of receipt of his letter. After 1138, c. 1138-1150 (Goitein and Friedman estimation). VMR
Marriage contract between Arye b. Yehudah and Karima bat `Ammar. The latter refused to leave Cairo and live with her husband in Palermo, Sicily, resulting in legal arrangements and restoration of gifts; includes a detailed trousseau. Dated ca. 1080. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 402; 177 and 464 note 85) EMS. (Written bu Hillel b. Eli. AA)
Letter from a certain Asad to a certain Avraham. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 13th century. He conveys his longing (including kissing the addressee's letter). He explains that he sent the quires (karārīs) for Sayyidnā with his father, and they were only delayed because he could not find a messenger. He wants al-Shaykh al-Makīn ('my teacher') to send the recipe for the collyrium (ashyāfa) known as al-maktūma (or al-makhtūma). On verso there are also some adages in Arabic script (also attested in literary sources), including "He who knows that he will be forgotten when he dies, let him act well and not be forgotten."
bill of divorce of [...]fia b. Levi on recto. On verso remains of another legal deed, maybe connected to the bill of divorce, signed by Elazar b. Yosef and Avraham [...]
Legal records in the handof Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya. (Information from Goitein's index card)
Left side of inquiry with regard to an inheritance of a quarter of a house. (Information from Goitein's index cards). Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138)
Marriage agreement between a Rabbanite husband and a Qaraite wife, with a 30 dinar fine to the poor if one transgresses the religious practices of the other. The groom is called al-Rayyis Abu Ali Yefet ha-Kohen, and the bride is called [Sitt?] Yaman, known as Najiya. On the other side is a legal record in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe involving a marriage or inheritance dispute. Another entry is a list of names and titles of the prominent Bundar family ca. 1120: Bundar prince of the congregations b. yefet, his uncle Avraham prince of the congregations, his broth Yishaq the generous [of the congregations?] and his son Khalaf the precious of the congregations. This list is published in India Book IIb.
List of the honorary titles of the Bundar family of Aden, ca. 1120. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi.
Colophon by Berakhot b. Eliyahu b. Zecharyahu (son of the judge). one the other side of the page are some pen trials.
Letter of Berakhot b. Shemuel to Shemuel teh Great Rav.
Letter from Berakhot b. Shemuel in which he suggests to the recipient that he buy from him a book and defer the payment of 12 dirhams and that the recipient hold onto a codex of the Book of Isaiah as collateral until he pays up the balance.
Legal query in the hand of Berakhot b. Shemuel with the responsum of Menahem b. Yiṣḥaq. The question deals with a woman who had permitted her husband to give a house belonging to her personally as collateral for a debt. When the husband died without having paid the debt, the judge Menahem b. Yiṣḥaq b. Sasson had no option but to decide that her property was forfeited. This query belongs to a well known case, see Friedman, “The Inheritance of a Man with Two Wives: Two Responsa from the Geniza” (Heb.) Dine Israel 13-14 (1986-88), 245-262. See also Mediterranean Society, III, p. 255)