7476 records found
Marriage document. A torn, faded and damaged ketubah. The name שמריה Shemarya is preserved, probably the bride's or groom's father. The marriage gift is 50 dinars. Although the date is not preserved we can date it to 1176 onward, thanks to the appearance of the stipulation regarding the bride's ritual bath after menstruation, enacted by Maimonides in 1176 (see M.A Friedman, "Social Realities in Egypt and Maimonides' Rulings on Family Law” Maimonides as Codifier of Jewish Law [N. Rakover ed., Jerusalem 1987], p. 230), and appearing in almost every ketubah from this year on (e.g ENA 3811.2). Here only few words from this stipulation appear in l. 11. Hebrew and Aramaic. AA
Long document in Ladino (and some Hebrew). Needs further examination. May be related to the next two shelfmarks, also long documents in Ladino which pertain to Daniel Bonfil.
Letterbook of Alpalas y Costa, preserving mainly (or entirely?) letters addressed to Daniel Bonfil in Livorno. Dating: 5481 AM, which is 1721 CE.
Letterbook of Alpalas y Costa, preserving mainly (or entirely?) letters addressed to Daniel Bonfil in Livorno. Dating: 5481 AM, which is 1721 CE.
Arabic script (VMR). Small fragment containing the remnants of three lines of text.
Recto: Literary text in Hebrew. Verso: Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic. The excerpt is either from Kitab Zahr al-Ādāb wa-Thamar al-Albāb by al-Ḥuṣarī al-Qayrawānī (d. 1061 CE) or from the source that he quotes, Abū l-Faḍl al-Mīkālī (d. 1045 CE). ASE
Late letter in Hebrew.
Accounts in Arabic script. Listing some names, commodities (mainly food and drugs), and sums of money. Reused for Hebrew literary text.
On recto a dirge in Hebrew. On verso probably from book of Josiphon. AA
Drafts of letter text in Arabic script. On verso there is Hebrew piyyuṭ.
Drafts of text from letters in Arabic script. In one of them the addressee is called 'al-zāhidī' (ascetic). There are also jottings in Hebrew script.
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)