7476 records found
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Small fragment of accounts in Greek/Coptic numerals. There may be some mirror-image text as well.
Legal document. A damaged legal document, probably a bill of release. The sum of 55 dinars is mentioned. Signed by צדקה הכהן בן דוד נ"ע, Zedaqa Hakoen b. David who signed also on TS 12.75 (no later than1093). Judeo-Arabic and Aramaic. AA
Accounts of some kind in Arabic script. Mentions Abū Yaḥyā al-[...]. State document? A nameʿĀmir al-S(ʿā?)d also appears on the top left corner, and numerical measures like 'niṣf' and 'ʿishrīn' are also preserved. Needs further examination.
Memorial list for various families: Qasasa, Dajaji and others. 13th century.
Account (FGP)
Account (FGP). See PGP 9880
Account (FGP). See PGP 9880
Account (FGP). See PGP 9880
List of names and amounts. Late
Letter from an unidentified writer in Rashīd to Shelomo Ḥalafta. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Same addressee as ENA 2855.21.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The subject matter is tricky to figure out. Possibly a request for help ("I have no face and no tongue, by God. . . pay attention to me, my master...")
Fragment of a legal document. The terms sāiʾba (endowment/waqf property more generally ) and mūwāqafa (safeguarding waqf/endowment properties) are suggestive that the document could be related to a matter pertaining to waqf. The last lines reveal the beginning of a name "al-Fāḍil al-Ajal al-Asʿad". Recto contains a Hebrew script with one line of not very legible Arabic script in a chancery hand at the bottom.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th or 12th century. The hand may be known. Mentions a shipment from Būṣīr to Fustat. Mentions sums of tens of dinars and one sum of 240 dinars. Gives an itemized list of expenses that mentions Alexandria. One of the expenses appears to have been a bribe (shoḥad).
Legal document. A damaged bill of release, in late Andalusian or Maghrebi hand. Mentions a payment of 54 peraḥim, which generally refers to the Venetian gold ducat or its equivalents. People involved include Yosef Ibn Zimra; Yehuda; and Moshe. Some deletions and correction in the text. Faded and very cursive. AA. ASE.
Prayer, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Calligraphic/blocky hand.
Tiny fragment of a document in Arabic script with a date preserved: Dhū l-Qaʿda 671 AH
Magical text? In Arabic script. Refers to "every spirit, spiritual and corporeal..." and on verso some magical-sending nonsense names.
Hebrew poetry.
See join for description.