16354 records found
Literary text in Judaeo-Persian.
Literary text (poetry?) in Ladino. Mentions an emperor and the cutting off of hands and feet and tears of blood. Needs examination.
Literary text in Judaeo-Persian. 10 bifolia.
Letter from Binyamin de Curiel and Avraham Krispin to Avraham Dayyan. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: the date is probably too faded to read, but these men are known from other fragments. Mentions Istanbul and a Venetia. Well-preserved: merits further attention
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Fragments in Latin script, probably in Spanish. Calligraphic. 4 folios. The third folio may also have Arabic script on it. Needs examination.
Literary text in Ladino on halakhic/religious matters. 4 bifolia.
Literary text in Ladino. Many pages. At least part of it is a version of Toldot Yeshu (clearly antagonistic, as יש״ו is defined as an acronym for ימח שמו וזכרו (P4, recto, right page, line 4)).
Many pages (~20) of a Ladino literary work. It seems to be historical in nature, set in the time of Shimʿon b. Sheṭaḥ.
Literary text in Coptic. Looks biblical or liturgical.
Document in Spanish. See T-S K24.15, a likely join.
Fragment with mysterious writing on it. It might be mirror-image Hebrew script. Needs examination.
Literary text or sermon in Ladino.
Original text: Three lines in calligraphic Arabic script. Possibly part of a document. Prayers for Muḥammad are clearly legible (الحمد لله وحده وصلواته على سيدنا محمد), but beyond that requires further examination. Subsequent text: 4 columns of a Coptic text. Needs examination.
Literary text in Ladino. Many pages. At least part has to do with the 'woman of valor.'
Literary text in Ladino. 3 folios.
Bible (Isaiah) with Judaeo-Persian targum or commentary.
Literary text in Judaeo-Persian.
Literary text in Ladino.
Literary text in Ladino.