16354 records found
Verso: Genealogies of two families, it seems of the husband and the father of a woman called the daugher of Nafīs al-Sharābī (cf. Mann, Jews, II, 320). 7 generations in the first column, eight in the second. (Information from Goitein's index card.)
Recto: Letter from a certain Majd to his 'brother.' In Arabic script. Dating: Maybe ~13th century, but this is a guess. Fragment (right side only). Not much of the content is preserved. Mentions a carpet (bisāṭ); a Christian man named Jirjis; a woman in Fustat or Egypt (Miṣr); and 'ahl al-bayt.'
Memorial list; legal document. On recto a memorial list for the family of דוסא בר יעקב. On verso an Arabic document. AA
List of names of functionaries in Egyptian synagogues.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Record of an monetary transaction involving Abū Al-Faraj al-Dimyati (who might be Nethanel Halevi, Halfon's father) , and mentioning bread (recto); Arabic letter (? needs examination)
List of names in a childish hand
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Late accounts of properties of three men, David, Sulaymān and Yiṣḥaq
See PGP 20645
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and in Arabic script. Customers include al-Qāḍī Yaḥyā and ʿAbd al-Masīḥ
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
A memory list mention of 28 names
List of names and figures (recto); names mentioned include Ibn Abū Sa‘d, Abū Al-Faraj, Sa‘īd al-Hakīm; text on verso is not legible
List of about sixty recipients of charity, some identical with those in T-S NS J293. One section is superscribed 'In the Tujib' (a quarter of Fustat). No numerals or other indications of the charity involved. Like T-S K15.102 (Appendix B 31), it is written in very large characters, but in poor script and with bad spelling. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 448, App. B 34, dated 1100-1140).