16354 records found
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
List of men's names organized according to family name (e.g. Castro, Romano, Qudsī, Ṭawīl, Tājir, Kohen). Late.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
List of 54 contributors, by the scribe of T-S K15.70, ed. Mann, and T-S NS J41 and T-S Misc.8.9, headed by the representative of the merchants Yekutiel b. Moshe, 'al-Hakim'. Second donor, 'The Pride,' = Yefet b. Avraham, 'Pride of the Communities,' (dated docs. 1076-1103). Above most names there is a line, the medieval way of deleting, meaning certainly that payment was made. Similar list from same period (late 11th or early 12th c.) is T-S Ar.51.140. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 477, App. C 16, dated third quarter 11th century)
Long strip of paper, with both head and bottom torn away, containing about 25 names (among them four 'sukkaris,' or sugar makers), contributing to charity 1/2, 1, or 1 1/4, partly in wariq, and partly in nuqra. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 494, App. C 60)
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Account, on parchment and much dilapidated, containing weekly revenue and expenditures (small related costs), in the elaborate hand of Aharon 'the expert cantor' b. Efrayim 'the scribe' (1058-1066). 7 persons in charge of collecting the pledges, one al-qammah (not a common Jewish profession). The total of 36 dirhams transferred from another leaf certainly was spent on bread for the poor. This list may refer to a community other than Fustat. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 476, App. C 13)
Account in Judaeo-Arabic and Coptic numerals.
Account of revenue from rent, ca. 1165. Written by Judge Hiyya b. Yitzhak. The total sum, written in Coptic, is 561 dirhams, but details of only 319.25 are preserved. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 304 #68)
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Distribution of wheat to Europeans, altogether 49 households including households consisting of only one person. First item: 'The proselyte--3; his female slave Mubaraka--1/2 wayba.' (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 444, App. B 26, dated 1100-1140)
Account for Nahray b. Nissim. 1058. The account includes nine shipments of flax, as well as shipments of sumac, cloths, and white silk. Several of those were sold in Ashkelon and others in Tinnis. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 4, #837) VMR
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
List of men's names.
Record of a collection containing 22 names with Coptic numerals. On verso 5 names are repeated with the same numerals, the beginning of a final copy, which eventually was drawn up on another sheet. Some specific names, such as Yiṣḥaq b. al-Sharaf (i.e. Sharaf al-Dawla, 'The Honor of the Government') also found in T-S K15.62. The names on verso are crossed out, so perhaps that is the discarded draft of the list. Goitein thinks this may have been a collection taken up at a wedding; he evidently reads 'al-hatan al-Muwaffaq' in line 14 (his line 7). But see below; al-h could stand for al-hazzan (Cohen). (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 495, App. C 63 and Cohen)
Account for Marheshwan and Kislev 1495 sel. ca. 1183. This is a double leaf of the notebook of Shemuel b. Saadya. The first part is a list of the revenue from 25 apartments and compounds for two months, which totals 346.5 dirhams. Then a list of expenditures follows, mostly, it appears, for charitable purposes. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 357 #90)
Account for Shevat and Adar 1495 sel. ca. 1184. This is a single leaf from the notebook of Shemuel b. Saadya, written in two columns. A revenue list beginning in the first column continues in the upper part of the second one, and is followed by a list of expenditures. There are 19 items of revenue preserved, with a total for the two months of 441.5. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 359 #91)
List of indigents. List of about a hundred persons, all male, foreigners, laborers, craftsmen mostly of lower standing, community officials, persons called ghulam or sabi, that is, slave, freedman, or employee, and five others designated as damin, persons for whom security was given. They contribute or are asked to contribute from 1/6 to 3/4 dinar, that is, a partial payment of the capitation tax, the community making up the balance. The sums following the names may also indicate the amounts to be paid by the community. The notables whose employees are mentioned (Dosa, Ibn Sighmar, Ibn Awkal [son of the merchant Yosef], Bahudi, Ibn Hirbish) were active around 1040. Foreigners: From Palestine, 5 from Palestine; Persia, 2; Tiflis, 1; Spain, 3; Saqlabi (of Slavic origin), 1. Some names are only partly visible. Note: 3 kinds of shoemakers in a single list: iskaf, hadhdha, kharraz (Mediterranean Society, II, p. 422 n81; p. 440, App. 4-5, ca 1040).