16354 records found
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Calligraphic list of 29 persons (to be solicited), professions ranging from butcher to physician. A list of potentially related names in Arabic script appears on the verso (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, 497, App. C 71)
Draft of instructions to write signature on legal document. Late
List of about 105 prospective contributors, headed by the judge Yehiel b. Eliakim (dated docs. 1213-1233). At least 15 names recur in Bodl. c28.47, ed. Ashtor. Only the judge, who gives 1 (dinar), the Rasuy (a title), who appears second here, and another two who pledge 1/2, have sums attached to their names. But enough space is left between the lines for inserting numbers. About 20 different professions are represented. Some groups, such as goldsmiths, money changers, or purveyors of food, are listed together. The list comprises only a fraction of the members of the Rabbanite community of Fustat, probably only the more affluent. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 486, App. C 39)
On verso list of names, might be from a memorial list. Very faded and most of the names are only partial. On recto liturgy. AA
Order of payment from Abū Zikrī Kohen. Khalīl is to give the bearer one raṭl of lamp/linseed oil (zayt ḥār).
Part of a booklet, with section beginning, like a title page, 'List of the Poor of Fustat--may God in his mercy make them rich and help them in his grace and kindness' (in K 15.5). Date is preserved here, on fol. 39, as, 11th of Marheshvan, October 30, 1107 (in App. B 21 Goitein wrote Tuesday, Marheshvan 18 [Nov. 5], but dated is correctly in Mediterranean Society, I, p. 56). The date is written in such a way that it could be tyt or tnt, 1107 or 1147, but the reading 1107 is made sure not only by the handwriting of the clerk [=Hillel ben Eli] but also by the names of various people listed, who are known from other Geniza papers. see ibid, I, p. 405 note 89. '490 pounds, amounting to 539 (loaves of bread), from the baker Ma'ali. Ten (pounds) were added, making a total of 500, namely ten loaves of old bread.' Other leaves from this notebook = fols. 5, 15, and 50. Notice the conspicuous presence of the Rum, Jews probably from Byzantium. In several places the names of the baker Ma'ali and that of another baker, Sadaqa, appear, interrupting the list of names of beneficiaries. The handwriting is that of Avraham b. Aharon, who also wrote App. B 23, 24. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 443, App. B 21, and from Cohen).
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Instructions for items and/or payments that are to be delivered to a certain Shemuel. In Judaeo-Arabic. The number 3/8 is connected to a person titled al-faqīh; "firewood, 5/8" is connected to Abū Saʿīd the young son of the teacher.
Small fragment from what was originally a large document. All that is preserved is a piece of the name Moshe Nagid ha-[...]. Probably Moshe b. Mevorakh.
Bifolio from a ledger of accounts. This part concerns the sale of aloeswood (ʿūd), 44 dinars and 10 qirats. Cf. T-S K15.29. (Information from Goitein's index card.)
List of donors to charity, in large characters, apparently destined for display, 6 persons under the heading 'Sunday' and another 10 under the heading 'Wednesday.' Verso contains lists in different hands for 'Monday' (10 persons), 'Thursday' (12), 'Tuesday' (11). These seem to be the names of the collectors of the weekly alms. Only one man, Yaʿaqov, the money assayer, served twice. Dated: time of David b. Avraham b. ha-Rambam. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, pp. 494-495, App. C 62)
Memorial list of a Levite family headed by Shela. It is not clear whether the names on verso belong to the same family or not. (Information from Goitein's index card.)
Account of the Qodesh: revenue from rent and building expenditures, probably ca. 1043. The recto of this leaf is a continuation of the two preceding accountings of revenue from rent (T-S NS 99.49 and T-S K25.84), mostly from the same names of houses and tenants being listed. The first part of the account, as preserved, lists some revenue for the month of Dhu'l-qa'da and the second, some for Dhu'l-hija. The verso lists expenditures in building operations, mainly for wood work, repairs for locks and doors, but also for sewage and other work materials. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 200 #26)
Memorial list for various families, probably written by Yedutun Halevi (d. 1236), the cantor of the Palestinian congregation.
Genealogies (short) of various families, written in two different hands, the first around 1150 CE, the second one generation later. (Information from Goitein's index card.)
Two lists of recipients of clothing, in two different scripts, the first part, extending from col.I, l. 1, to col. II, l. 14, the second from col. II, l. 15, to col. IV, l. 21. At least half of the recipients were women. Four names recur in both lists, meaning that two different distributions are recorded here. Details about 44 plus 37 households are recorded, but the leaf, which is folded to form a booklet of four pages, is superscribed 'Leaf no. 3', so that the total number of persons listed originally might have been not 81, but three times as many. It is not excluded that this one and Appendix B 33 and 64 originally formed one document. Abu al-Faraj the parnas is in charge of the the second distribution (which was made in two steps, col. II, l. 15; col. IV, l. 6), is listed as recipient of a thawb, or gown, in the first distribution (col. I, l. 20 [read: 10]), where, however, the item is crossed out. This could hardly mean here, as in some other documents, that the garment had already been delivered to him, for about forty items, or half the total contained in this leaf, exhibit the Arabic final mem, which Goitein takes as an abbreviation of (tasalla)m, 'received' (the same in Appendix B 33, 64, and C 41). Thus the deletion of the parnas share probably had another reason. Other parnasim, mostly outsiders, or their relatives, receive clothing, for example, 'the sister of the parnas from Jerusalem' I l. 18, 'the firnas of Damietta' I:31, 'the parnas of Crete' II:6 (also crossed out), also II:1, IV:1 and 5. Note the large number of foreigners. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 444, App. B 25, dated 1100-1140).
List of payments made on a Thursday. In addition to the usual expenditure for bread, salaries, and extras, the official twice paid 3/4 dirhams to a teacher, the weekly tuition for a poor boy (or two brothers) for whom the community paid. School fees were paid on Thursday. Verso, ll. 1-3, contributions, possibly received on the morning of the same day in the synagogue. Headed by Ibn Jalal al-Mulk, 'the Splendor of the Kingdom,' a government official. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II. p. 463, App. B 87, dated 1200-1240)
Part of a booklet of alms lists (fols. 15.5, 15, 39, 50), titled here: 'List of the poor of Fustat.' Inside (col. II, line 5ff.): ˜Available 600 [loaves] weighing 600 pounds. Price 3 dinars, which I have received from the Prince of Princes [i.e., the Nagid Mevorakh]--may he live forever.' Date is preserved on fol. 39, Tuesday, Marheshvan 18 (Nov. 5), 1107. Fol. 15 was written on the Friday of the same week and notes 500 pounds yielding 567 loaves. Fol. 50 contains the distribution of the following Tuesday [Nov. 12] again comprising 500 pounds, but only 547 loaves. The handwriting is that of Avraham b. Aharon. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 443, App. B 19).
Part of a booklet of alms lists (fols. 15.5, 15, 39, 50). Date is preserved on fol. 39, Tuesday, Marheshvan 18 (Nov. 5), 1107. Fol. 50 contains the distribution of the following Tuesday [Nov. 12] again comprising 500 pounds, but only 547 loaves. The handwriting is that of Avraham b. Aharon. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 443, App. B 22).