16354 records found
See PGP 24495
Letter fragment concerning disbursement of funds to members of the Yeshiva.
part of a legal document, most probably a quitclaim (Info from FGP)
Fragment from the center of a ketubba. (See Goitein's index card for further information.)
Bottom of a decree, probably. "...[al-madh]kūra ʿalā farāʾīd Allāh ʿazza wa-jalla..." Then a ṣalwala at the bottom. Reused for piyyut on verso.
Deed of sale of a property. Involving Nahray b. Nissim. Dating: Second half of the 11th century. This document describes the boundaries of the property. Mentions another property known by the name of al-Jawharī, currently in possession of Aḥmar b. Ibrāhīm b. Rāʾīq(?).
Legal formularies (from the section dealing with marriage and divorce). On vellum.
An engagement contract, consisting of T-S 8J5 f.3 and T-S NS 259 f.37, in the handwriting of Ḥalfon ha-Levi b. Menashshe (active 1100-1138). Dated 1124. (Information from A. Ashur 'Engagement Documents from the Cairo Geniza,' Thesis submitted for the MA degree, Tal-Aviv University, under the Supervision of Prof. M.A. Friedman)
Prenuptial agreement between a future husband and his prospective second wife, in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Location: Fustat. Joined by AA.
Minute fragment, few words in Arabic - needs examination.
List of names of Andalusian families (b. Kafril, Ishaq Ibn Ghiyath, Yehuda b. Fakhar), maybe a memorial list. On verso a calendar for the year 4905 = 1144
A leaf from a book of legal deeds, written by Solomon b. Samuel b. Saadya Halevi (mid. 13th century). Here we have a bill of refusal (שטר ממאנת). AA
Documentary; probably from a letter addressed to one of the academies, including praises and blessings for such prominent personages as ראש היש׳, אב בית דין, but the actual names are almost completely effaced. (Info from FGP)
See PGP 24500
According to Goitein's index card, a legal document in which Yosef b. Seʿadya al-Anṭākī stands security for Ibrāhīm b. Azhar. Mentions Nuṣayr b. Fahd. However, this must refer to a different shelfmark.
The Midrash of Solomon’s throne, containing passages also found in T-S Ar.16.25 and T-S Ar.18(2).115, fol. 3 (identification and references by Oded Zinger). This is in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions Abū l-Maḥāsin.
Literary text, probably. Mentions Galen. The word that looks like "jizya" is actually "juzʾiyya."
Petition. Small fragment. Contains a taqbīl clause (and not much else). Reused for a text in Judaeo-Arabic (prognostications or dream interpretations?).
Writing exercises, probably. In Hebrew script and Arabic script.