16354 records found
Accounts in Arabic script. Crossed out with three vertical lines. Mentions Mentions the shop of Abū l-Ḥasan and a sale and money received. There are a few words in Arabic script on the other side, probably from an earlier document that was cut up and reused.
Legal document in Arabic script. About 10 lines are preserved and one witness clause. Dated: 13 Dhū l-Qaʿda 957 AH, which is November 1550 CE. Involves a certain Mūsā and his mother, possibly Marḥaba bt. Dāʾud al-Yahūdī. Needs further examination.
Letter in Arabic script. Commercial? Needs examination.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Receipt for rent of for house for a period of one year, Ramaḍān through Shaʿbān. The tenant is Manṣūr al-Dajjājī (same as in Bodl. MS heb. d 68/104?). Might be dated 507 AH (this appears in both l. 3 and the last line), which would be 1113/14 CE. The number 4.5 is written in Coptic numerals—the annual rent in dinars?
Possibly a receipt for the ḥikr (ground rent). Dated: 568 AH (=1172/73 CE). Mentions "one dirham" and "Dīwān al-Aḥbās." On verso there is a note about an expenditure of 550 dirhams for tearing down (naqḍ) the walls of something. Needs further examination.
Commercial accounts in a mixture of Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script (also Greek/Coptic numerals).
Accounts in Arabic script.
Administrative document in Arabic script. Specific genre and purpose unclear. On verso some magical doodles and some names in Judaeo-Arabic: Kulayb, Sittūna, Thamna(?) bt. Levi, Sitt al-Ahl, Waḥshiyya(?), Abū l-Khayr. Needs further examination.
Bifolio of commercial accounts. In Arabic script. List of names and commodities, some sections crossed out with a vertical stroke.
Accounts in Arabic script, arranged in columns. Also some Hebrew pen trials. Needs examination.
Ledger of accounts in Arabic script and eastern Arabic numerals. Late. 30 pages.
Magical text.
Capitation tax receipt for Bū l-Ḥasan Ḥusayn b. Hibatallāh al-Ṣayrafī in Fustat. Dated: 4 Muḥarram 541 AH, which is 16 June 1146 CE.
Letter addressed to a certain Abū l-Barakāt. In Arabic script. The writer complains about poverty and unemployment and kashf ḥāl ('uncovering').
Document in Arabic script. May be a receipt (tasallama....). The last line mentions the name of a qāḍī.
Legal document(s), probably. In Arabic script. Looks late. Needs further examination.
Legal document in Arabic script. First two lines only.
Letter in Ladino from a family member to Avraham Shalom: "... Know as it pleases you that Esther married. May you marry your sons with greater advantage. May they never be orphans ... And more tears flowed from my eyes than from a fountain, for I found myself with no other relative or support then the Lord, blessed be He, and your brother-in-law, who did come. And you did not send me even two lines with him. Even if he did not call on you, you could have sent him two lines (for us) with those who come and go. You could have done so, not for me but for your sister who, saying 'Oh, to receive two lines from my brother!' is tearing out her heart and does nothing but cry from your lack of affection. Were it not for your aunt, who sent me what she sent me, I would not even have had enough for the dowry. May the blessed Lord repay her during the life of her son and her daughters what she did with this orphan of the Lord, may she have her repayment, may her sons have many sons and much good. Amen. Thus may it be willed before our Father who is in heaven. And I know that you are angry on account of the china (el sini)... greetings from myself, Khalifia Ajiman... and from your mother Doña Jamila, widow of the perfect scholar Rabbi Yom Tov Shalom, may his soul rest in Eden...." Address on reverse of the letter: To be delivered to the wise, exalted, honored and renowned Rabbi Avraham Shalom - may his light shine. Amen. So be His will. From Safed to Egypt (Cairo) and from there, the wise, exalted, honored and renowned Rabbi Yehuda Kastilas is to send it on to Alexandria." (Information in part from http://www.investigacion.cchs.csic.es/judeo-arabe/sites/investigacion.cchs.csic.es.judeo-arabe/files/Genizah-Al-Andalus.pdf.)
Fragment of a Ladino letter (left half).