16354 records found
Letter addressed to Abū Ibrāhīm Isḥāq b. al-[...]. In Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. It has a typically sephardi layout (cf. the letters of Yehuda ha-Levi). Apparently dictated to a scribe named Yaḥyā (probably a family member, who sends greetings in the first person in the margin, l. 7). Mostly containing regards to family members such as Abū Isḥāq, Sitt al-ʿUlamā, and the addressee's son Avraham. The sender has heard no news of the addressee except in one letter in the hand of Yaʿqūb b. Abī l-[...].
Fragment of a beginning of a letter
Fragment of a letter
Small note or an Arabic account - needs examination.
Account - needs examination.
List in Arabic - needs examination.
Minute fragment, Few words in Arabic - needs examination.
Arabic receipt? - needs examination.
Minute fragment, few words - needs examination.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably no earlier than 14th century, based on linguistic features. Deals with various logistics of comings and goings of letters and people. Mentions Rashīd/Rosetta.
Ob recto Arabic list - needs examination. On verso Judeo Arabic list
List of names and amounts, probably to be paid in certain months
Opening of a dowry list, written under the jurisdiction of David Maimuni in the hand of Emanuel b. Yehiel. The bride's name is Rivqa. The groom is the son of Yehiel the judge, and might be Emanuel himself. AA
List of names and amounts
On recto a letter regarding a payment to be paid after the holiday. On verso Arabic list- needs examination.
Fragment of a business letter. The writer is referring to a weight called Laythi (See Goiten, Med. Soc. I, 227)
On recto a list of items and months. On verso short letter in a different hand
An order of the ra'is to pay for certain poor and needy people
Probably an account