16354 records found
A letter from Abu al-Faraj to his uncle expressing his longing for him.
A short note written by Abraham Maimuni to al-Sheikh al-Rasuy, asking him to take care for the oil, probably for lighting the synagogue. AA
List of three (out of 36) items made of silk (info from FGP)
Fragmentary letter. A qadi is mentioned and two camel drivers. Also the writer informing a meeting that is going to take place in the summer. He didn't receive any letter from his father, and he informs that he is well. Abu Nasr is mentioned. AA
Fragmentary letter in a Maghrebi hand. The writer informs that 'Ayash b. Danun is in Sicily. Also mentioned Yehuda al-Fasi, Abu Ya'aqov and Musa b. al-Majani (members of this family are mentioned in business letters from the mid of 11th century). AA
Letter of appeal for charity. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions Makārim b. Abū [...] and a ḥaver.
Long and damaged private letter, quoting some Biblical verses. Alexandria is mentioned.
A letter to Ya'aqov Fransin in Rashid Also mentioned Nissim Faranji. 15th century?
Late account, some of the names are crossed out
Two fragments of a legal deed regarding a debt of Abu al-Karam b. al-Attar, written and signed by Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi (Date: ca. 1180-1211). Also signed by Yefet b. Shem[uel]. AA
See PGP 24998
A late letter from a mother to her son Yosef b. Ghanam (?). Among other news she informs him that his aunt's daughter (?) was abandoned by her husband who might went to Alexandria. Part of the address, in Hebrew, is preserved on verso: the location of the addressee is not known, and he might be in Rashid or other place in Egypt. Israel is also mentioned but it is unclear if the letter was sent from there. AA
Fragmentary letter, mostly torn. The writer informing about the death of a person. On verso the address in Arabic script. The sender name is 'Imran b. Abu Nasr - needs examination.
Letter from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu to a certain Abū Isḥāq, who is addressed as "the esteemed and precious brother." In Judaeo-Arabic. Fragmentary (top part only). Shelomo says that he rode up to the shop and asked the addressee's cousin (ibn khāl) Abū l-Faḍl where the addressee had gone, but Abū l-Faḍl didn't know. On verso there is a list of names followed by Greek/Coptic numerals and one sentence from the Mishneh Torah, all in the hand of Shelomo. AA. ASE.
Small fragment from the bottom of a kettubah signed by [...] b. Avraham Aluf.
An account in JA and Arabic.
Acknowledgment of a debt of 10 dinars contracted by Ḥammūd b. Hāshim, the miller, with Ibrāhīm b. Ḥajīj, the Jewish middleman. The document states that Ḥammūd will pay back 2 dinars on Rajab of the year 420 AH (= 1029 CE), and the remaining sum in monthly instalments of 1 dinar each, starting from Shaʿbān of the same year. (Information from CUDL)
Commercial list - needs examination.
Account - needs examination.
Small fragment of a letter - needs examination.