16354 records found
Accounts in Arabic script.
Recipe in Arabic script. Likely a medical prescription.
Medical prescription in Arabic script.
Legal document(s) in Arabic script. Dating: No earlier than 1425 CE, based on the mention of the ashrafī. There are at least two addenda on verso. Needs examination.
Informal note in Arabic script. Dating: Perhaps 13th century. Asking for "a good jar" (of wine?) from Makīn or from somebody else. On recto there are remnants of accounts in Arabic script.
Fragment of a petition. Portions of 8 lines are preserved, with different sizes of text and large gaps apparently dividing sections. Mentions "the Jews" and otherwise contains a lot of flattery and deference from the "mamlūk" for "sayyidnā." Reused for Hebrew piyyut on verso.
Tax receipt? Needs examination.
Verso, with the address on recto: Letter in Arabic script. Dating: ca. 1140 CE, based on the date of the earlier document sharing this fragment. The layout of the address is quite confusing: to Alexandria, to Sūq al-ʿAṭṭārīn, to the shop of Abū [...], to be given to Abū l-Khayr b. Ibrāhīm al-Amshāṭī al-Miṣrī. But then it says "ʿAṭiyya b. Bunyām from his brother Abū ʿAlī." Mentions: 17 dinars, "his brother Abū Saʿīd," Abū ʿAlī, depositing something with Abū Naṣr. The sender excuses his delay by saying that the price of something was still with the wakīl. (Information in part from CUDL)
Recto: End of a legal document. Location: Fustat. Dated: Iyyar 1451 Seleucid, which is 1140 CE. Written and signed by Natan b. Shemuel. Also signed by Shela b. Binyamin.
Legal document in Arabic script. Mentions 500 dirhams. Dating: Perhaps Ṣafar 1097 AH, which would be 1685/86 CE. But the year is faded, and this should be checked. Needs examination for content as well.
Petition or report, probably. In Arabic script. The ends of 6 lines are preserved. Mentions: al-muslimīn... mutawallī al-balad... al-ghulām... ʿalā nafsihi l-ʿādila...lammā kānat hādha l-waqt... li-anfusikum wa-khāfa...wa-taḍarraʿa...
Accounts in Arabic script. Mentions various weights and someone named Jaʿfar.
Recipe in Arabic script, perhaps a medical prescription. Mentions marsh mallow (khiṭmiyya) and plum (ijjāṣ). On verso there are more unidentified jottings in Arabic script.
Jottings in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script, some of which mention al-Mawlā al-Makīn and a power of attorney (wikāla or wakāla). Dating: Perhaps late 12th or early 13th century.
Petition from Ḥātim to Nuwayr al-Dīn(?) In Arabic script. Dating: Perhaps Ayyubid or early Mamluk-era. The first ~6 lines are preserved.
Makhzūma (official ledger of accounts). In Arabic script. Maybe dated 658 AH, which would be 1259/60 CE if correct. On verso there are two validation notes (ṣaḥḥa dhālika...). On the makhzūma document type, see Rustow, Lost Archive, 512–13n26. Needs further examination.
Mercantile accounts, probably. In Arabic script. Mentions 30 dinars and weights in qintars.
Recto: Upper part of a petition in Arabic script. Dating: Mamluk-era? Verso: Possibly a rescript concerning the content of the petition. On both sides the term iqṭāʿ appears multiple times. Needs examination.
Arabic table - needs examination.
Arabic account - needs examination.