7476 records found
See also: ENA NS 8.4. Recto: Fragment of a letter from Yosef b. Musa al-Tahirti, from Alexandria, to an unknown person. Around 1060. The addressee is not Nahray, as Nahray’s name is mentioned in the letter. The letter contains details about shipments of different goods. The letter is written on the other side of a different letter, that Nissim b. Yishaq al-Tahirti wrote around 10 years earlier. Verso: Letter from Nissim b. Yishaq al-Tahirti from Mahdiyya, probably to Nahray b. Nissim. Around 1050. Nahray buys flax in Egypt and is about to travel to the Maghreb. Nissim writes him details about different goods. He is worried because he did not hear from the ship b. Bader, which his goods are on it. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, #376) VMR
Business letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, probably no earlier than 15th century. Mentions ginger.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Accounts (or at least calculations). Late. On verso there is Hebrew literary text.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Moderately wide space between the lines. Quite faded. Reports on something that occurred after exiting the synagogue with the congregation. There is a man who says he is the nephew (sister's son) of Rabbenu Meir who arrived in the land of Egypt in the days of Rabbenu Moshe Gaon (ZL); this man knows the addressee and sends greetings to 'sayyidnā.'
Recto: Accounts in Arabic script. Perhaps a state/fiscal document, since it's written in a chancery hand with wide space between the lines. There are date on the right and sums of dinars on the left.
Verso: Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Last 5 lines only. "...If you can find a fat kid or sheep or myrobalan, please send it to me with him. And write to me with your news and the news of the congregation (may they be blessed). Whatever goods you can obtain, I will be pleased. And peace."
Love spells. In a mixture of Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic. One of them involves setting an egg on fire.
Judeo-Arabic poem. AA
Very faded and damaged, hardly legible, fragment from a legal query addresed to 'our Rabbis', regarding a quarell between two people and a payment of 15 dinars. On verso part of a draft of letter. AA
Fragment of a letter from Alexandria to Fustat. The recipient was ill when the writer departed Fustat.
Account. Late
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Mentions various names and the word 'Istanbuli.'
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals. Dating: Probably no earlier than 13th century, might be substantially later.
Possibly a magical or mystical fragment in Hebrew. Mentions "Bat Asher" and the angel Sandalfon.
Recipes in Hebrew, including for toothache. Late Ashkenazi or Italian hand. Mentions "good white wine." and "קאריטי" which is defined as "like a seed of פרנוקולו" (furuncle?).
List of materia medica in Judaeo-Arabic, possibly a recipe or prescription. Crude hand and spellings.
Small fragment from a letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. From a certain Farajallāh. Dating: ca. 15th–17th century, based on handwriting and reference to the currency "bunduqīs"/Venetian (ducats). Needs examination.