7476 records found
Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (upper left corner). Only the opening pleasantries are preserved.
Ottoman-era accounts.
Fiscal accounting. ʿAlāma at the top: al-ḥamdu lillāhi wa-ʿalayhi tawakkulī. Needs examination.
Accounts in Arabic script and eastern Arabic numerals. Listing many foods. Late.
Possibly one line of a state document. "al-[...] bi-waliyy wulāt al-[...] ... istiḥqāq..."
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Legal document in Arabic script. Seems like a contract of depositing a sum of money for the duration of someone's travel. On verso, in a different hand, there is a medical recipe in Arabic script.
One side: State document. Only a few words are preserved from very widely spaced lines ("...ʿalā l-ḥukm ʿalā..."). The text on the other side is unidentified.
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Legal document in Arabic script.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The whole folio is preserved, but the text is too faded to read.
Small note in Arabic script. Order of payment or receipt? Begins with the glyph, and then a name (Bū l-ʿIzz?).
Order or receipt in Arabic script with Judaeo-Arabic annotations for 2 dinars for [...] Makkī(?) al-Khabbāz from Yehuda b. Yosef (presumably this is Abū Zikrī Kohen).
Ottoman-era accounts, might be Arabic but some words have Ottoman Turkish suffixes. Needs examination.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely 12th or 13th century. Mentions Rabbenu [...], a request for news, an excuse for not coming in person, something that had to be sold, and Bilbays. On verso there is a note in Arabic script that begins "half a pound of sugar..."
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Unidentified document in Arabic script. Reused for jottings in Hebrew on recto and a Judaeo-Arabic note about 'the remainder of [...]' on verso.
State document. Dated: Jumādā I 52[.] AH (=1126–35 CE, but the precise date should be legible). There are registration marks/notes at the top. Looks very interesting, possibly mentioning taxation, Ibrāhīm al-Armanī, "the sect of the easterners" (ṭāʾifat al-mashāriqa) and a dignitary titled Muaʾayyad al-Mamlaka wa-Majduhā ʿImād al-Dawla wa-Naṣruhā..... Needs examination.
Accounts of some sort in Arabic script. May mention the names and descriptions of garments. Also the word (or name) "jawhara." Needs examination.
Legal document in Arabic script. Mentions a perfumer (al-ʿaṭṭār) and a jeweler (al-jawharī)