7476 records found
Letter fragment in Arabic script. Join with ENA NS 83.212?
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Unidentified document in Arabic script. Official letter on one side and accounting on the other?
Recto: List of people (mostly women) and numbers in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Alms distribution list? "The wife of [...] and her family... the wife of Abū l-Mufaḍḍal... the wife of al-Ḥasan...." There may be sums at the bottom. List of foods and quantities.
Likely a legal document, in Arabic script. Mentions Yaʿqūb b. عنودا(?) the Christian (l. 4). Needs examination.
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Letter in Arabic script. Dated: 29 Dhū l-Qaʿda 12[.]0 AH, which is 1796 CE at the earliest. This date may in fact belong to a separate document sharing the same page. Underneath it are two lines in Judaeo-Arabic. Needs further examination
Several diminutive notes in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals - receipts? orders? The notable feature is that they are pierced and threaded together, and the collectors and conservators (very unusually) have left the string in place, so we are now able to see how these items were originally stored. Needs examination for content.
Looks like a fragment torn from the beginning of a book, with notes about the contents and owners. In Arabic script. Needs examination.
Unidentified document(s) in Arabic script. Maybe a legal document on recto and accounts on verso. But needs examination.
Unidentified document(s) in Arabic script. Maybe a legal document on recto and records of payments on verso. But needs examination.
Letter in Arabic script. Either to or from Maʿānī from his 'brother.' Small fragment (upper right corner of recto). All that is left is the closing greetings: to Bū l-Faḍl and his family; to Abū ʿImrān and his family; to Abū ʿAlī and his brother Sayyid al-Ahl; to the sender's brother-in-law Abū l-Faḍl.
Newly treated and encapsulated, must be examined
Fiscal accounting: "...al-muʿāmilīn bi-[...] wa-Dimyāṭ..."
Upper part of an official (tax?) receipt, with ʿalāʾim and registration notes.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Looks like a state/fiscal hand.
State document in Arabic script. Dated either 512 or 522 AH (or both, one on recto and the other on verso?). Mentions a ḍamān ("tax farm" or "guarantee") and a sum of 100 dinars. Needs examination.
Verso: Informal note addressed to 'my lord and master al-rayyis.' Unclear what the content is. Ends "waffaqahu allāh taʿālā in shāʾ allāh." On recto there is Arabic love poetry (to paraphrase, 'my nights with the beloved passed in a flash, and now that they're gone, my night is the night of the blind with no hope of morning') عهدي بنا ورداء الوصل [يجمعنا] والليل اطوله كاللمح بالبصر والآن ليلي مذ غابوا فديتهم ليل الضرير وصبحى غير منتظر
Fragment of a deed of sale in Arabic script. Mentions payments in installments starting the beginning of Ramaḍān.
Unidentified document(s) in Arabic script.