16354 records found
Minute fragment with a few words in Judaeo-Arabic.
Legal document. (Information from CUDL)
Verso: Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic letter. Legible phrases: "... with Sayyidnā... other than with a full heart... the entire congregation...according to... their gratitude for me, and I... promised me benefaction... the difficulty of this..." (Information in part from CUDL.)
Recto: Document in Arabic script, unidentified. (Information from CUDL)
Marriage contract (ketubba). Two fragments, which may not directly join with each other. Dated: [13]99 Seleucid, which is 1087/88 CE. Groom: Yefet b. Menashshe. Bride: Mawlāt bt. Mevasser, a divorcee. Written by Hillel b. ʿEli (dates: 1066–1108). Signed by ʿEli ha-Parnas and Meshullam b. [...] (Information in part from CUDL.) AA. ASE.
Deed of sale or gift of property. Damaged. Location: not preserved. Dating: not preserved, but 11th century seems likely, based on the uncommon formulae and the lack of any Judaeo-Arabic component. The document refers to Gentile courts as Bei Davār (בידואר), in line with Talmudic usage (cf. Bodl. MS heb. b 13/42). It seems that the buyers are a pair of sisters: Sittūnūh (? סתונוה) and Ḍiyāʾ. Their brother Yosef and another male relative named Efrayim are also involved, perhaps as guarantors. There is a fragment of one signature preserved, perhaps [Ya]ʿīsh b. [...]. AA. ASE.
Minute fragment from a legal deed
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
Damaged fragment from a ketubah. The groom named Yosef.
Much damaged, rubbed and faded ketubah written by Yosef b. Shemuʾel Halevi (Date: ca. 1180-1210) . AA
Legal document. (Information from CUDL)
Much damaged fragment from a ketubah.
Legal document fragment, mentioning the elder Abū [...]. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: list of names such as Isaac, Simḥa, Shelomo, Abraham, Yefet, and Yeshuʿa. Verso: Hebrew. (Information from CUDL)
Marriage contract, probably. Small fragment. Large, square, elegant Hebrew letters. Dating: Perhaps 10th or 11th century. מו]הארא ותוספת[א] ...[כל שפר אר]ג ניכסין וקנינ[ין...
Probably a commercial letter or legal document. In Hebrew. Small fragment, with only a few words preserved. Dating: Perhaps 15th–17th century. Mentions white pepper (פלפל לבן).
Probably a list or accounts, mentioning names, such as Isaac. (Information from CUDL)
Probably a legal document, in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information from CUDL)