16354 records found
Literary text in Spanish.
Minute fragment from a top of a letter to R. Aharon
Much damaged list of debts(?) in a very crude hand
Minute fragment from a commercial list
List of the possessions of Ibn al-Tawazi
A long letter dealing with business issues. The writer is informing about various debts collected between Rabi' al-Akhir until Rajjab. He also mention an 'evil person from the evil people of Sodom' and a quarrel they have. He also mentioning Quseir, probably the port city located on the shores of the Red Sea and people who went there. Late
Much damaged opening of a late letter
A letter from Avraham to an anonymous individual whose name is not preserved. The content is not clear, but the Pasha and the Sultan are mentioned, probably asking for assistance. On recto and verso jottings. (Data by Avraham David from FGP)
A tadhkira - memorandum of goods sent, written probably by Abu Zikri Kohen. On line 1 we might be able to complete [Abu al-Khay]r [b. M]usa al-Barqi, who is known from India Book (e.g India Traders, p. 314, n. 15). Should belong to India Book V. AA
List of debtors or contributors.
Legal document(s). In Arabic script. Recto contains the lower left corner of a document, with perhaps the remnants of a witness signature at the bottom. Verso contains a distinct record, with witness statements underneath. Needs further examination.
Minute fragment from a late list of items
Much faded and damaged fragment of a letter, not much can be saved.
Much damaged and faded letter.
Dowry list, probably part of a ketubah, written by Mevorakh b. Nathan (Date: 1151- 1181). Much faded and damaged. AA
List of items, mostly textiles.
List of names and numbers, probably list of debtors.
Much damaged, faded and rubbed. Seems like a list. On verso might be a letter or other document. The state of preservation males it almost impossible to read. The hand seems to be by Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi (date: 1181-1210), but it is unclear. AA
Minute fragment, an opening lines of a legal deed.