16354 records found
Recto (probably later use): Letter of condolence to a Nagid upon the death of R.ʿUzziel.
Recto: Letter addressed to Yehosef Hehakam from Damascus, mentioning R. Yosef, perhaps Ibn `Aqnin. Verso: Condolences to a Nagid upon the death of R.`Uzzi'el.
Purchase note that once belonged to a bible (ze ha-muṣḥaf). The purchaser is Yaʿaqov b. Sahlān b. Yaʿaqov, whose name appears in the body of the text and upside down underneath together with 'and his son Sahlān b. Yaʿaqov.'
Accounts of a slaughterer. Goitein dates it to 1179 or 1183 CE (Med Soc I, 381–82). This sheet was then reused for piyyutim. For further information, see Goitein's note cards on this shelfmark and on T-S 12.834.
Draft of document of Maimonides' installation as Ra'is al-Yahud.
Letter fragment (lower part) from a muqaddam named Moshe, probably addressed to the dayyanim of Fustat, complaining that after the death of the Nagid Avraham his unworthy opponent had been appointed. A sick, old man is mentioned in the margin, but the surrounding text is damaged, so it is unclear if this is an aspersion directed at the rival or a complaint about his own condition. (Information in part from Goitein's index cards.) ASE
Letters, perhaps, copied into a literary work. There seem to be long strings of titles. In Hebrew.
2 Samuel ch. 5 with Targum.
Small fragment with Hebrew script. Possibly legal.
Legal fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: [...]8 Seleucid, which doesn't help us. Features [...] al-Levi al-Parnas al-Tinnīsī and an Abū l-Makārim. There are notes on verso related to recto.
Current shelfmark is T-S 10J22.3.
Geonic literature. In Hebrew.
4 bi-folios from a book of legal formulas
Legal formulary for a deed of manumission of a male or female slave.
A unique legal deed: A man appoints his father to collect 200 dinars from his debtor. The groom apparently owes the same amount to his future bride, to serve as betrothal money (קידושין במלווה). According to to Jewish law such betrothal, were the marriage money is a loan, is invalid (Maimonides, Ishut, 5:13), but if the loan is for mortgage it is valid (Maimonides, ibid. 5:14). The continuation of the deed is not clear: it seems that the groom betroth the bride by a lower sum, while his father was responsible for the rest. Written on vellum, in Hebrew. Probably from a book of legal deed but probably a copy of a real case. 11th century. AA .
Leaf from a Karaite book of formularies. Recto: divorce formula, continued for 2 lines on verso, with Arabic jotting in the margin. Verso: marriage formula. The date given in the margin, in the same hand and ink, is 1314 (= 1002 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Formulas of letters to VIPs.
A formula of bill of release from levirate marriage. Belong to a book of legal deeds, Another page in T-S J3.19
Book of Legal deeds by Saadya Gaon, 8-9, 12-13, contains bil of partnership, deathbed declaration, and a will. (Data from FGP by Dan Greenberger)
Formula of a bill of inheritance. Belong to a book of legal deeds, Another page in T-S J3.15