16354 records found
Partnership document in Hebrew between Moshe and Me'ir & his brother. 16th century per Avraham David. The partnership is to last for two years. The top and bottom of the document are both missing. A conversion rate is given: 1 golden Venetian peraḥ for every 100 Venetian peraḥim.
Late accounts with the name Yiṣḥaq Castro at top.
Table of Judaeo-Arabic prognostications or horoscopes for various domains (agriculture, prosperity, government, knowledge, etc.) arranged in an ornate red grid. Late hand.
Table of Judaeo-Arabic prognostications in a rough black grid. Possibly medieval.
Short note in tricky handwriting in which the writer asks a certain "noble woman" to honor the servant with something.
Small legal fragment in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, signed Yosef ha-Levi.
Last three lines of a note in Judaeo-Arabic, in which regards are sent to the recipient's children.
Small horizontal strip of a legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe in which Yosef b. Yoshiya ha-Levi makes a declaration (but the document was abandoned).
Late accounts in Hebrew involving Yosef, Daud, and Eliezer.
Fragment (bottom of recto and verso) of a Judaeo-Arabic letter to a more important person, begging him to do some sort of favor ("wa-yubayyiḍ al-mawlā wajh al-shafāʿa fī dhālik") and not to make the writer come in person. The handwriting seems quite familiar, likely ca.1200.
Epistle that is humorous in Judaeo-Arabic that opens with praises to God "who rounded the walnut. . . and put the whales in the sea. . . and who distinguished all his creatures, for some have their nose between their eyes and some have their heads between their ears." Perhaps copied from an Arabic literary work?
Hebrew letter dated dated 1687/8 CE (5448), addressed to "the Judges," regarding business transactions. Contains several words in Ladino that are marked with two dots: vueltas, "perlas ʿim fojetas (?)," etc. Signed by Aharon b. Avraham ha-Kohen.
Late accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Small fragment of accounts (probably) in Judaeo-Arabic.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic (1809 CE?) to Karo y Frances from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Ḥefez. Information from Wagner, Linguistic Variety of Judaeo-Arabic, 24.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic from a certain Ḥalfon to his cousin Menashshe ha-Ḥazzan b. Yiṣḥaq ha-Ḥazzan. Not a great deal of the content remains. Ḥalfon wishes Menashshe a speedy recovery.
First page of the Cairene Purim Scroll (Megilat Purim), the Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic verses alternating, mentioning the date 5284 AM (= 1524 CE). Information from Shivtiel/Nissen catalog.
Fragment of an 11th-century mercantile letter mentioning Ifriqiyyah, Markab al-Amīr, and Abu Avraham Ismail.
Judaeo-Arabic epistle (bottom part only) in a lovely calligraphic hand and eloquent turns of phrase from a distant friend. Verso contains a few calligraphic Hebrew letters
Late list of names and numbers for Parshat Vayetze, perhaps donations.