16354 records found
Accounts. Two folios. In Hebrew and western Arabic numerals. At least two lines appear to contain Ladino as well (the line ending "672" on fol. 1v and the line ending "3248" on fol. 2v). There is also the stylized signature of Yehuda [...]. Dating: Late. Possibly (if the aforementioned line on fol. 1v is giving the date) Heshvan 5512 AM, which would be 1751 CE. But this is uncertain.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Ottoman-era, based on the use of the title shāwīsh. Mainly listing quantities and prices of wheat. Currencies: קרונא (krone?); שרפי (probably sharīfī).
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Known hand, probably.
Literary. In Hebrew. Has an esoteric/mystical flavor.
Literary. In Hebrew. Dream interpretation. Late.
Literary. In Hebrew. Late. Mystical vision of Shelomo Alqabeẓ ha-Levi, or perhaps a group somehow connected to him.
Dream vision of Mawhūb al-Muʿallim. In Judaeo-Arabic (introduction) and Hebrew (vision). Dated: 945, perhaps 4945 AM, which is 1184/85 CE. Has to do with divine vengeance on Edom.
Document in Arabic script. There might be a person named Buṭrus. Needs examination.
Literary. In Hebrew.
Hebrew poetry. One side has a rahaṭ attributed to Yehuda (ZL) (Yehuda ha-Levi?).
Letter formulary in Judaeo-Arabic, including instructions for writing to kings and viziers. Possibly a join with BL OR 10112B.12
Poems in Hebrew, one dedicated to "our Nagid Shemuel ZL."
Poem in Hebrew. Rhyming -im. Perhaps intended to achieve a reconciliation with the addressee? There are the remnants of some words in Arabic script at the top of verso.
Pastoral letter presumably addressed to the Fustat community from the office of one of the later Maimonidean Nagids (Yehoshuaʿ?). In addition to general admonitions, the epistle states specifically that anyone selected by lot to serve as a collector of alms and refuses to act as such, or anyone objecting to participate in the weekly collections for the poor was liable to be punished with the 'heavy ban'. Dating to the late 13th or 14th century. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 503)
Almost poetic letter of a Gaon, perhaps Shelomo b. Yehuda. A woman deserted by her husband for many years had brought up her only son and when he was old enough had sent him out to find his father, but the boy perished on his way. Along with attempts at consolation the Gaon refers to a debt of 300 dinars and losses incurred by the recipient of his letter. On microfilm the verso appears before the recto. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 199)
No such item
Legal document. Location: ציק?. Dated: Iyyar 5465 AM, which is 1705 CE. Involves Mordekhai ha-Kohen and a sum of 133 reales de פיזו טרהקאנטיש(??) that had been sent by David de Rios from Livorno. Needs examination.
Literary. In Hebrew. Late.
no such fragment. See 10J22.4