16354 records found
No such fragment. Current: T-S 8J31.4.
Recto: Maimonides’ autograph draft of a 3-line poem he composed and included at the beginning of his philosophical work ‘Guide for the Perplexed’. Verso: letter in a different hand (not that of Maimonides) to Joseph b. Judah (possibly Ibn ʿAqnin, a student of Maimonides). The letter continues overleaf(?), along with diverse jottings. (Information from CUDL)
Formulary for drawing up marriage documents. In Hebrew with some Ladino words (contante, joyas, mandiles). Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dating: Late. Currency: mithqāl/mathāqīl.
Receipt in Arabic script of Mubashshir b. Shelomo al-Ṣayrafī for goods he sent to the Maghrib in partnership with ʿArūs b. Yosef, ca. 1030 (see Aodeh's note justifying this date).
Letter to a distinguished person. In Hebrew. Formal.
Cryptic document. Very faded. Names Rabbenu Rosh ha-Seder . . . Moshe ha-Kohen . . . b. M. Peraḥya ha-Kohen. Gives the date Tevet 14[..] Seleucid, which is 12th century CE. Possibly 146[.] Seleucid, which is 1148–58 CE.
No such fragment. See current: T-S 8J31.7.
Responsa. Responsaum of הרא"ש כלל סו, סימן ז. AA
Literary, probably. Mainly in Hebrew, but with some Judaeo-Arabic. Appears to be a list of maxims.
Guide to the graves of sages and saints. In Hebrew. Probably late. Of geographical interest.
Account for Av and Elul 1494, and Tishri 1495 sel. ca. 1183. A double leaf, taken from the notebook of Judge Shemuel b. Saadya, this document contains two accoutns of revenue from rent, for the period Av 1494-Tishri 1495 sel., in which Elul 1494 appears twice, each time with different items. Each list of revenues is followed by one of expenditures for the same period. The first list of revenues includes 26 items, totaling 373.5 dirhams, and the second 20 items, totaling 367.5 dirhams. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 343 #87)
Account for Nisan and Iyyar 1493 sel. ca. 1182. The usual items for accounts from Abu'l-Bayan are included in this one. There are 22 apartments and compounds listed, yielding revenue of 543 dirhams for two months. The second part of the account contains a list of ordinary expenditures which total 385.75 dirhams. A third part lists additional revenue and charges, At the same time, Ab'l-Bayan presents a further account, for two later months. The total revenue of these two additional months, a sum of 533 dirhams, is added to the balance of the former ones, then the total expenditures of the two additional months, a sum of 427.75 dirhams, is deducted, and so are his collection fees, which come to 60 dirhams. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 334 #83)
Fragment from a Karaite betrothal formulary, for use in Jerusalem. (Information from CUDL)
Awaiting description
Memorandum by Nahray b. Nissim. Around 1045. The addressee in unknown but it might be Barhun b. Musa al-Tahirti. Contains instructions about payment deduction and details about different shipments and their expenses. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #272) VMR
Document in Arabic script. Maybe a letter. On verso there is a Hebrew literary text, listing names of biblical and/or apocalyptic significance.
Copies of various epistles of historical importance, at least some attributed to Ḥasdai ibn Shaprut. There are also piyyutim of Dunash b. Labrat. There is an extensive bibliography on FGP.