16354 records found
See PGPID 24609
A letter explaining what happened in the synagogues sthe writer and Munaja b. Tahir and Barakat b. al-'Attar. He also sending regards to David ha-Nagid. Other names mentions: b. Bashash and Bunayn. AA
Verso: Might be a draft or formulary of a petition in Arabic script. At 180 degrees there is unidentified text in Judaeo-Arabic. Recto: Poetry in Arabic script (above), transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic (below) with additional verses of poetry in Judaeo-Arabic.
Recto: A list of books written by Shelomo b. Eliyyahu. Verso: A note in Arabic script, also written by Shelomo b. Eliyyahu. It seems asking the addressee not to embarrass him and to help him with his request, the nature of which is unclear. Might be related tot he book list on recto.
Possibly a fiscal account in Arabic script, reused for a Judaeo-Arabic list of items and quantities written between the lines.
On recto a Hebrew letter dealing with the buying of oil. On verso Arabic document - needs examination
Letter written, signed, and dated by Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi in 1517 (1206 CE). It opens with a Hebrew poem congratulating the recipient on his son, and continues by imploring the distinguished recipient to send a letter acknowledging Moshe, who has already sent him seven letters before this one. ASE.
bottom part of a family letter
Minute fragments
Literary narrative in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: probably ca. 16th century, since it mentions the currency sharīfī. One side involves a son setting out on a journey with a caravan which was ambushed by Bedouins. The other describes a stranger ending up into a town and sleeping in the synagogue by himself at night.
Account in Arabic script. Dating: the date is torn away, but likely Fatimid or Ayyubid. Headed: "that which was collected from...." Then a horizontal line and many names listed underneath. Some of the names: ʿAbd al-Raḥmān... Tāmir from QṬ[...]... Muḥammad Ibn al-Turkmānī... Ibrāhīm al-Qazzāz... al-Ḥājj Ḥasab(?)... al-Ḥājj Aḥmad... ʿĪsā b. [...]... al-khawlī Wuhayb.... Then: "In (New) Cairo, 96 dirhams. Altogether, 43[.] dirhams." Then a new section underneath in a different hand, also listing names and figures. On verso there is Hebrew piyyut.
Letter from al-Shaykh Manṣūr(?) to his son. In Arabic script. Fragment (upper half only). Contains expressions of longing and various pieces of advice (in the margin). On verso there are Hebrew verses.
State document or likely a draft of one. One section ends with the phrase “to the chancery (Dīwān al-Inshāʾ).” There might be a mamlūk and a ḥaḍra and (sideways) wa-ʿalā ābāʾihi al-ṭāhirīn wa-abnāʾīhi al-akramīn. On recto there is Hebrew poetry/piyyut.
Poetry/piyyuṭ in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi.
Bifolio of Judaeo-Arabic aphoristic poetry.
Bifolio containing a magical spell in Judaeo-Arabic for extracting venom from a person's body. Invokes the angel Gabriel. There is an additional page written in a different hand, which mentions scorpions.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry. The first is a version of "يأيها المعشوقُ بالله مَن" by Tamīm al-Fāṭimī (d. 985) (compare https://www.aldiwan.net/poem50895.html).
Judaeo-Persian seliḥot, with some Hebrew mixed in. ASE
Small fragment containing part two words in Arabic script and a secondary text in Judaeo-Arabic.
Fragment of a will, probably. On parchment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions "my daughter... all to the two sons, Sulaymān [and ...]... to be paid to my wife... the woman will take... Lāzaward, the female slave...."