16354 records found
Poem/piyyut, the last 10 lines alternating between Hebrew and Arabic. (Information from FGP.)
On verso two lines from an official Arabic document - needs examination.
Medical recipe, including list of spices, including sesame and pepper.
On verso few words in Arabic - needs examination.
Few words from an Arabic official document - needs examination.
Few words from an Arabic official document - needs examination.
A piyyut is written in between the lines of an Arabic document- only few words are preserved- needs examination.
On leaf 2r remnants of Arabic document - needs examination.
Few Arabic words on verso - needs examination.
Very damaged. A letter? -
On verso few words from an Arabic official document. Needs examination
Some Arabic words on the bottom of a piyyut - needs examination.
See T-S NS 110.14 for description.
Arabic document - needs examination.
On verso opening line of a letter in Judao-Arabic and Arabic - needs examination.
Lower left corner of an official letter in Arabic script. Content unclear. On verso there is piyyut.
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Relatively large and complete, but faded, and there is no address on verso. The sender has sent 8 dinars and 15 nutmegs (jawza) with Abū l-Faraj. Mentions Abū l-Munā. Encourages the sender to work on "emptying the shop" (takhliyat al-dukkān, a common phrase in Geniza documents whose meaning is not entirely clear). The sender may say that he does not wish to live in ʿAkkā any more (three lines from the bottom of recto). He has sent a mat (naṭʿ) for Saʿīd. Greetings to the elder 'al-Mumḥe.' Reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ on verso.
Arabic on verso - needs examination.
Fragment of an Arabic document - needs examination.
Some jottings in Arabic on verso - needs examination.