16354 records found
Torn fragment of a legal deed.
Recto: Beginning of a legal deed written by Natan b. Shemuel he-Ḥaver (dated documents: 1128–54). Location: Fustat. Dated: 145[.] Seleucid, corresponding to the range 1138–48 CE. Part of the reshut formula is preserved, probably tor Shemuel b. Ḥananya (r. 1140–59). The case involves ʿEli b. [...] Rosh ha-Qahal. Verso: Document in Arabic script. Might be a summary of the case on recto or related in some other way. Mentions Abū l-Ḥasan. Needs exxamination. AA
Damaged fragment from a legal deed regarding a house belonging to a young(?) lady in New Cairo. Names: [...] b. Menashshe the elder, Yeshuʿa. AA
Letter addressed to al-Rayyis Rabbenu Eliyya (might be the judge Eliyya b. Zekharya). Fragment (top part only). About work on a Bible codex (muṣḥaf) in Dammūh. As soon as someone brings it, the sender will send it on to Eliyya. AA
Torn fragment of a court record written by Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). There is a detailed narrative of a quarrel over a house. There is text on both sides, and some lines are crossed out. One side: Refers to a woman; her son Abū l-Ḥasan; and someone upset that she wants to sell the house. They went to the Jewish court, then there was some sort of gathering outside of the court, but apparently not yet in the Muslim courts. The dispute involves 30-some dinars. The other side: Refers to a knife (? sikkīn), a declaration made by Abū l-Surūr, probably the same sum of 30-some dinars, and a threat to resort to Muslim courts. Someone then says, "My mother then said...." There is a reference to handing over a document as a pledge (rahn). The story will remain very confusing until some joins are found. AA. ASE.
Fragment from the end of legal document involving a man and his son Moshe. Signed by Eli b. Yosef. AA
Probably a page from a community or a court ledger: information about a group entering the synagogue, a list of items, probably given or delivered there by this group, and also a list of items given by the cantor R. Zadoq. AA
Fragment of a bill of release. Granted by David b. Menashshe to a woman and her husband. May be related to a gift which he gives them. AA. ASE.
Late account
On recto- fragment from a list of items of dowry list. On verso short Arabic note- Needs examination
Late. On the right page a few lines from a prenuptial agreement, the groom's name is Shelomo and the bride is Sol. This is her 2nd marriage and she has a son and daughter from her 1st marriage. Her 1st husband will support them. few lines of the dowry list are preserved. The year is not preserved. On the last page a list, maybe of items, but not necessarily connected to the right page. AA
Letter, mostly faded (only the last words of each line are preserved) written by Mevorakh b. Nathan (Date: 1150-1181)
Probably a commentary? written by the hand of Hanan'el b. Shemuel
Fragment of a late court record regarding partnership between 3 partnets: Avraham Almoshnino, Netanel Rozo and Yosef Barukh. AA
Fragment of a letter, probably regarding business, in an untrained hand. Names: Abu `Ala; Abu Muna Aleksandrani; Abu Nasr; Abu Sa`id al-Suri
Late account
Letter written by the assistant of the Nagid Ishaq Sholal to Alexandria. (Info from FGP)
Very damaged and torn fragment of a legal deed.
Late list of names, headed `Friday (yawm al-jum`a), probably payments or support.