16354 records found
Legal fragment.
Legal document. Dated: Middle third of Adar, 1430 Seleucid, which is 1119 CE. Involves Ḥalfon ha-Zaqen b. Mevorakh and a certain Abū Saʿīd.
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (right side). Dating: Probably 11th or 12th century. Some phrases include: "...to Fustat... bring me with you... the two dinars and the two rubāʿīs... the rotten ones(?), and sell them... and send me the price, and say... the elder Abu l-Mufaḍḍal...," and then the letter closes with greetings (תכתץ אגל אלסלם...).
Tiny fragment of a legal document. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Only a few words are preserved: ...[al-du]khūl wa-l-khurūj ilayhim...
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions lāsīn silk and Fustat.
Letter, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Small fragment, very faded.
Business letter. In Hebrew. Beginning only. Dating: Late, perhaps 16th century. Mentions someone named David Ibn al-Khayr as well as the goods אפלמור (lime or linden?) and חאיר (=khiyār/cassia fistula?). Information from A. David via FGP.
Cryptic text in Judaoe-Arabic. Possibly Qaraite ("you will not find 'ahl al-Talmud' saying that...")
Document in Judaeo-Arabic, small fragment. Mentions a thawb and some prices.
Small legal fragment in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Mentions powers of attorney (wakālāt).
Legal document (iqrār). In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions: Abū Isḥ[āq]; half of a profit; entering Fustat; and more.
Legal fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Draft, with many corrections. Concerning someone's will.
Legal fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. With a lot of deferential phrases.
Legal fragment, probably. A few words in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. al-muqīma... ha-kohen ha-mumḥe. On verso there is Hebrew literary text.
Documentary/administrative record? One page (verso is blank) with a Hebrew-script header and 8 lines of Arabic in a jagged/coarse hand--maybe from a badly cut nib? Begins with a basmala and ends with a hamdala; there may be a date in line 4 (below basamala): sana iḥda...? Also a possible mention of ar-rawq (to please/excel, L6).
An Abu Zikri Kohen order of payment. Khalīl is to deliver 3 ounces of sayraj/shayraj oil.
Letter from Moshe b. Abidirham. In Hebrew. Dating: Second half of the 16th century. Concerning philanthropic activities for the benefit of the rabbis of Egypt. Mentions R. Yiṣḥaq Saruq, R. Yiṣḥaq Karo, R. Yaʿaqov b. Tibbon, R. Yaʿaqov Kastro, and Avraham Kolon (the sender of ENA 2727.45, Moss. IV,93, and HUC 1034). See Avraham David's edition on FGP for identifications of several of these men.
Family letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions completion of a muṣḥaf. The sender and the old woman want the addressee to come back (or at least respond with a letter). "I am greatly perplexed" - asks for instructions about whether to sell or pawn something. Same hand as Moss. II,103.2.