16354 records found
Small fragment from a letter written by Yefet b. Menashshe Halevi
Minute fragment from a legal deed written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi dated Tammuz 1447 Era of documents (1136), involving Abu al-Mujd and the soms of Ishaq Halevi. AA
Small and torn fragment written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138), contains remnants of list of legal actions took place in court. AA
A letter from one of the leaders of Aleppo to 'Our master the Nagid', probably Ishaq Sholal. He informs that he is trying to raise money to ransom captives but find it difficult to receive community assitance. (Info by A. David, FGP)
On line from an opening of a court record involving Berakhot b. Yefet. AA
Minute fragment from a list mentioning al-Tilimsani, by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Dating: 1100-1138). AA
Minute fragment from a list of court procedures written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Dating: 1100-1138). Hardly any text survived. AA
Small fragment from the opening of a letter written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi contains greetings for Masliah Gaon, probably for his appointment as Head of the Jews (ca. 1127). AA
Minute fragment from a letter by Yefet b. Menashshe Halevi to his brother Halfon.
Legal record(s) in the hand of Halfon b. Menashshe (1100–38 CE). Fragment (lower left part of recto). The main record concerns a dispute over money owed between Ṣedaqa and Ṣāʿid. Also mentions a qāḍī and 5 elders. There are several (possibly unrelated) names underneath: [...] b. Khalaf; Khalīl b. Sālim; Dalāl bt. Khalfa; "the guarantor" (ḍāmin al-darak); Manṣūr. On verso there is one last note in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, referring to a debt of 9 5/8 of something, with 1/2 to be paid each month. There is also writing in two other hands on verso. T-S AS 158.354r and T-S NS 342.68r resemble each other but are probably not a join. AA. ASE.
Minute fragment from a note regarding a bebt?
Minute fragment from the bottom of an official letter written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138) concerning a widow. AA
Fragment from a letter by Yefet b. Menashshe Halevi.
Fragment of a court record regarding the inheritance left by a woman. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi. AA
Minute fragment from a letter referring to הדרתו הקדושה - His greatness holiness. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Dating: 1100-1138). AA
Fragment from court records written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi, one is dated Safar 530 (December 1135). AA
Small fragment probably from a legal query or request for advice. written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138). AA
Fragment from list of court records written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138), one involving Khalaf al-Levi b. Yeshu'a. AA
Minute fragment from an opening of a letter addressed to the Head of the Jews. AA
Small fragment of a list of court records written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi, dated Wedensday 7th Nisan 1432 Era of documents (1131)