16354 records found
List of names in Arabic - needs examination.
Official account in Arabic - needs examination.
Quantities and commodities in Arabic (FGP) - needs examination.
Business letter in Arabic script. At least partially about agriculture and mentions the town of Minyat al-Layth in the Delta. Also mentions "if [...] arrives from Cairo," and "the regiments in Syria" (al-ajnād alladhī fī l-Shām). The tone is urgent ("surʿa surʿa... wa-mā taḥtāj waṣiyya...")
Alchemical instructions in Judaeo-Arabic (mentioning e.g. "restoring the spirit to جسد المغنيسيا") in the margins of an Arabic (philosophical?) treatise.
May be a receipt (? istiqbāl) for rent for government property (=ḥikr / ground rent?) from Yūsuf al-Ṣayrafī (this is tentative, as the end of the first line is damaged). The layout is very similar to formal fiscal receipts, but the hand is that of a layperson (and also quite shaky). The rent is for a a shop in Ḥabs ʿUmar for Jumādā II, 493 AH (=April/May 1100 CE). The rent is 10.25 wariq dirhams. The scribe is ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAbd al-[...] representing (niyābatan ʿan) the government employee (al-mustakhdam) from the Banū(?) ʿUmar. There is the simplest possible ʿalāma at the upper left (al-ḥamdu lil-lāhi, in the hand of the scribe who wrote the document) followed by 10.25 in Greek/Coptic numerals. The bottom line may read "al-shukr lil-lāhi." ASE
Names of persons and quantities of commodities in Arabic (FGP) - needs examination.
Names of persons and quantities and commodities in Arabic (FGP) - needs examination.
Legal document in Arabic script. Brief debt contract, probably, mentioning the name [Man?]ṣūr b. Bū Saʿd.
Brief business letter from Nissim b. Hillel to Ibrāhīm b. Maḥfūẓ (=Avraham b. Shemarya? Or maybe the first name is Efrayim instead of Ibrāhīm). In Arabic script. Faded. Dating: Probably 11th century. Needs examination for content. Mentions Jerusalem in l. 4. Needs further examination.
Poem in Arabic script. One verse mentions a meadow of quail where hunting is permitted and without wild beasts. On verso there is a basmala and a draft of the opening of a letter, also in Arabic script.
Three different text blocks. (1) Possibly official accounts, in Arabic script. Looks Ayyubid or Mamluk. (2) Draft of a letter in Arabic script, similar hand as the accounts. (3) Subsequently reused for accounts for minute sums of money in Judaeo-Arabic. Maybe the revenue of a teacher: "Ibrāhīm and his brother, 1 fils; Barakāt, 2 fils; Abū l-Majd, 2 fils; ʿUbayda, 1 fils; Mājid, 1 fils; Makīn, 2 fils; Surūr, 1 fils; Surūr and his brother: 2?"
Accounts in Arabic script.
Letter from ʿAmmār b. [...] to al-Rayyis Bū l-Faḍl, a court official. In Arabic script. The writer reports on a particular course of treatment for eye problems that included inflammations, dimness of vision, expanded pupils. The illness was treated with lamellae, eye drops and with the prescription of a potion to be taken after breakfast. Simples mentioned include anise, rose, lavender, oregano, mastic, liquorice, myrobalan, and aloe. The writer mentions his recent move to the town of Qalyūb. (Information from CUDL, probably from Isaacs's catalogue.)
Miscellaneous, including draft letter and price list of commodities in Arabic and Judeo Arabic - needs examination.
Arabic account - needs examination.
Arabic account - needs examination.
Arabic list - needs examination.
Talmudic text with a colophon and a later note. The colophon indicates that the copy was completed in Jerusalem in 4832 AM, which is 1071/72 CE. The note says, "I redeemed it from the plunder in the island of Rhodes, I, Eliyyahu."
Talmudic text.