16354 records found
Arabic receipt - needs examination.
Letter/petition addressed to the judge Shela b. Yefet ('the faithful teacher,' ha-melammed ha-neʾeman). In Judaeo-Arabic with Hebrew and Arabic on verso. Fragmentary (bottom part only). "I informed him that people only serve us on account of the man's knowledge and action, and the lofty opinion belongs to the master in this. קנה חכמה קנה בינה. May God make him always among the seekers of His law and those who cling fast to it." AA. ASE.
Recto: Fragment of an official letter in Arabic script mentioning the kharāj and agriculture. Dating: Early 11th century. On verso there is a tax receipt (see separate record).
Small fragment of an unidentified document in Arabic script. A letter? Mentions Abū Mūsā Hārūn. Very faded.
Recto: Official letter in Arabic script. Very faded. Fragments of ~5 lines are preserved, with wide space between the lines. Verso: Letter/report in Arabic script, maybe the response to recto. Very deferential. The first 10 lines seem to be praises and blessings. The addressee may be named Abū l-Faraj [...] b. Asad (l. 9). Needs further examination.
Legal document in Arabic script. Involves a head of cattle (al-raʾs al-baqr). Needs examination.
Personal/business accounts in Arabic script.
Legal testimony. In Arabic script. The witnesses have examined (bāsharū) the Jew Ibrāhīm b. Abū l-ʿAlāʾ, and found that he had developed leprosy (judhām) on account of a black humor (al-khilṭ al-sawdāwī) and is therefore banned from moving freely and conducting business among Muslims. Witnessed by Aḥmad b. Abū l-Ḥasan and Abū l-Ṭāhir b. Abū l-Ḥasan. Dated: First decade of Rabīʿ II 660 AH, which is February 1262 CE. (Information from Khan's edition.)
Arabic Account from the Mamluk or Ottoman period (FGP) - needs examination.
Bifolio of business accounts in Arabic script, with one line in Judaeo-Arabic.
A narrative poem in Arabic script. Seems to be a humorous dialogue (including phrases such as "fa-qāma yaḍḥak...").
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. One of the columns is headed "dār al-murabbaʿa." There are entries for construction expenses (e.g., rubbish collection (ramy turāb)), many for a certain Abū Sahl, and one for "the Jew" (al-Yahūdī).
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Written in a hasty scrawl, difficult to read.
Part of an official document in Arabic script. The ends of ~6 lines are preserved. Mentions a canal (khalīj). The hand is very similar to ENA NS 50.5.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Written in a hasty scrawl, difficult to read.
Arabic list - needs examination.
List in Arabic - needs examination.
Possibly an official letter in Arabic script. Mentions "min aṣḥāb al-mawlā Sayf al-Islām." On verso possibly a few lines of accounting. Needs examination.
Recto: Unidentified document in Arabic script. Very faded. Verso: Legal document in Arabic script. Mentions names such as Muḥammad b. Zayn and sums of money. Needs examination.
Letter probably to a father. In Arabic script. Fragment (upper right corner). "Taʾakhkharat ʿannī akhbār. . . mawlāy al-wālid. . . ." Asks for news of a woman (. . . mā hiya ʿalayhi. . .) to put the sender's heart at ease (li-yaṭmaʾinn qalbī). Mentions a ghulām named Nāṣīr. Needs further examination.